Missouri’s transportation system safely and reliably connects people with jobs and services, connects businesses with suppliers and customers, moves students to and from school and allows visitors to explore the state’s many destinations. To help make strategic decisions, meet Missouri’s future transportation needs and be good stewards of taxpayer dollars, the Missouri Department of Transportation is updating the state’s Long Range Transportation Plan.
Long-Range Plan Updates
The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is in the process of updating its current Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and State Freight and Rail Plan (SFRP). MoDOT is required to develop, ...
The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is in the process of updating its current Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and State Freight and Rail Plan (SFRP). MoDOT is required to develop, ...
Fact Sheet
What is the Long Range Transportation Plan, and why is MoDOT updating it?
What is the Long Range Transportation Plan, and why is MoDOT updating it?
Executive Summary
Overview of the Long Range Transportation Plan.
Overview of the Long Range Transportation Plan.
Tech Memo
Details on the 25-year vision for the state’s transportation system and establishes goals, objectives and performance management metrics.
Details on the 25-year vision for the state’s transportation system and establishes goals, objectives and performance management metrics.