Being Green

Alternative Fuels

MoDOT uses more ethanol and biodiesel fuel a year - three million gallons of E-85 and B20 - than all other state agencies combined.  That’s enough fuel to drive a car to Mars and back.


We're not just separating glass from plastic. Recycling takes place on a gigantic scale with MoDOT. Sometimes, the department recycles entire sections of roads!

From Roofs to Roads

 MoDOT is the national leader in the "roofs to roads" shingle recycling effort and one of the first state agencies to recycle shingles to resurface or rebuild highways.

Recycling Roads and Bridges

MoDOT can actually reuse asphalt directly in place by heating it, processing it on the road and relaying it. The process is called "Hot In-Place Recycling" and it saves Missourians millions of dollars every year.  

Environmental Studies

As good stewards of the environment, MoDOT strives to be environmentally conscious with all of its transportation projects. MoDOT studies environmental impacts before beginning any project.