Bridge standard drawings and forms published by MoDOT Bridge Division shall be used by MoDOT's internal staff, as well as consultants and contractors, and may be used by other department of transportation agencies as a reference. The standard drawings and forms are to be used as an aid to assist in the plans production of all statewide bridge-related construction projects.
The exclusive purpose of the electronic bridge standard drawings and forms is to provide information as a convenience to those who access it. The electronic drawing files and forms contained herein do not constitute official Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission or Missouri Department of Transportation contract documents, as they bear neither the seal nor signature of the State Bridge Engineer. MHTC and MoDOT do not intend for the information contained herein to form a contract with any person, nor shall any of this information be relied upon by any person as forming a part of any contract.
Standard Drawings
Each standard drawing is available as a PDF file, as well as in DGN format (Open Roads Designer (ORD)).
PDF of all current Bridge Standard Drawings (96.83 MB)
Standard Cells and Line Styles
Standard MoDOT bridge line styles and cells are shown in the PDF document linked below, for reference.
Click the icon to the left of each section to expand it and reveal the content under each heading.
Approach Slabs - APP
Major Route
Left Adv. Integral End Bent [APP01]
Left Adv. Non-Integral End Bent [APP02]
Right Adv. Integral End Bent [APP03]
Right Adv. Non-Integral End Bent [APP04]
Squared Integral End Bent [APP05]
Squared Non-Integral End Bent [APP06]
Minor/Low Volume Route
Squared or Skewed [APP07]
Precast Approach Slabs for Existing Bridges
Integral End Bent (Sheet 1) [APP08]
Integral End Bent (Sheet 2) [APP09]
Barriers - BAR & BAC
Type D (42-inch single sloped) - BAR
Elevation [BAR01]
Ending on Integral End Bents [BAR02]
Ending on Shallow Integral End Bents [BAR03]
Ending on Non-Integral End Bents [BAR04]
Ending at End of Slab (Redeck or New) [BAR05]
Type H (32-inch single sloped) - BAR
Elevation [BAR06]
Ending on Integral End Bents [BAR07]
Ending on Shallow Integral End Bents [BAR08]
Ending on Non-Integral End Bents [BAR09]
Ending at End of Slab (Redecks or New) [BAR10]
Type C (42-inch single sloped median) - BAR
Elevation [BAR11]
Type B (32-inch New Jersey Shape/safety barrier curb) - BAC
Elevation [BAC01]
Ending on Integral End Bents [BAC04]
Ending on Integral End Bents with skew [BAC04a]
Ending on Non-Integral End Bents [BAC05]
Ending on Semi-Deep Abutments [BAC06]
Elevation for Double Tree Girder [BAC07]
Ending on Shallow Integral End Bent [BAC11]
Ending at End of Slab (Redecks) [BAC14]
Connector Plate for 1970's - 1989 Safety Barrier Curb [BAC21]
Barrier Modifications - BEM & CBO
Barrier End Modification - BEM
Guardrail Attachment - 12" Vert Barrier - No Wearing Surface [BEM01-1]
Bill of Reinf. Steel for BEM01 [BEM01-2]
Guardrail Attachment - 12" Vert. Barrier - With Wearing Surface [BEM02-1]
Bill of Reinf. Steel for BEM02 [BEM02-2]
Curb Blockouts - CBO
Curb & Parapet - Elevation [CBO_01]
Curb & Parapet - End Post 3'-0" [CBO_02-1]
Curb & Parapet - End Post 2'-8" [CB0_02-2]
Curb & Rail - Plan - Freestanding End Post [CB0_03]
Curb & Rail - Plan - End Post Attached to Existing [CB0_04]
Curb & Rail - Details [CBO_05]
Curb & Rail - Slip-Form Option [CBO_06]
Bearings - BRG
Type C for Steel Girders [BRG01]
Type D for Steel Girders [BRG02]
Type E for Steel Girders [BRG03]
Type N PTFE for Prestressed Girders [BRG05]
Type N PTFE for Steel Girders [BRG07]
Laminated Neoprene for Steel Girders (Fixed) [BRG08]
Laminated Neoprene for Prestressed Girders (Expansion) [BRG09]
Laminated Neoprene for Steel Girders (Fixed and Exp.) [BRG10]
Pot Bearings for Steel Girders [BRG11]
Bill of Reinforced Steel - BILL
March 2024 (New)
Shapes and Totals [BILL01]
Data [BILL02]
Data with Grid Lines [BILL03]
Short Barbill (1 sheet) [BILL04]
Shapes Chart for Reference
Old Style
All Structures [barbill_i]
Box Culverts
Borings - BOR
Boring Template [BOR01]
Box Culverts - BXC
Double Box Culverts
Straight Wings - Square [BXC01]
Straight Wings - Left Advance [BXC02]
Straight Wings - Right Advance [BXC03]
Flared Wings - Square [BXC04]
Flared Wings - Left Advance [BXC05]
Flared Wings - Right Advance [BXC06]
Triple Box Culverts
Straight Wings - Square [BXC07]
Straight Wings - Left Advance [BXC08]
Straight Wings - Right Advance [BXC09]
Flared Wings - Square [BXC10]
Flared Wings - Left Advance [BXC11]
Flared Wings - Right Advance [BXC12]
Guard Rail Attachment Details
MASH - Top slab greater than 9"- Resin Anchor System [BXC13]
MASH - Top slab less than 9"- Bolt Thru w/ Bottom Plate [BXC14]
LFD - Top slab greater than 9"- Resin Anchor System [BXC17]
LFD - Top slab less than 9"- Bolt Thru w/ Bottom Plate [BXC18]
Culvert Extension Details
Precast Option for Box Ext. [BXC15]
Opt. Culvert Wing Removal for Box Ext. [BXC16]
Deadman Anchor Systems - DMA
Non-Integral End Bents [DMA_01]
Diaphragms - DIA
Steel Int. Diaph. for Prestressed I-Girders
Skewed I-Girders [DIA01]
Squared I-Girders [DIA02]
Steel Int. Diaph. for Prestressed Bulb-Tee Girders
Skewed Bulb Tee Girders [DIA03]
Squared Bulb Tee Girders [DIA04]
Steel Int. Diaph. for NU Girders
Skewed NU53 Girders [DIA05]
Squared NU53 Girders [DIA06]
Skewed NU63 Girders [DIA07]
Squared NU63 Girders [DIA08]
Skewed NU70 & NU78 Girders [DIA09]
Squared NU70 & NU78 Girders [DIA10]
Cross Frames, End and Int. Diaph. for Steel Girders and Beams
Wide Flange Beam [DIA11]
Plate Girders 42" or less [DIA12]
Plate Girders 48" or greater [DIA13]
Drain - V_DRA & S_DRA
Vertical Drains at End Bents - V_DRA
Integral End Bents [V_DRA01]
Non-Integral End Bents [V_DRA02]
Integral End Bents with Intermediate Wing [V_DRA_03]
Slab Drains - S_DRA
Prestressed Bulb-Tee Girder (Straight) [S_DRA01]
Prestressed Bulb-Tee Girder (Angle) [S_DRA02]
Steel Girder or Beam [S_DRA03]
Solid or Voided Slab Bridges [S_DRA04]
Prestressed I-Girder [S_DRA05]
Prestressed NU Girder (Straight) [S_DRA06]
Prestressed NU Girder (Angle) [S_DRA_07]
Prestressed Box Beam (Straight) [S_DRA08]
Prestressed Box Beam (Angle) [S_DRA09]
Existing Steel Beam (Redeck) [S_DRA_10]
Drilled Shafts - DSS
As Built Drilled Shaft Data [DSS_01]
Drip Bar for Weathering Steel - DRIP
Welded Details (Preferred) [DRIP_01]
Bolted Angles Details (Optional) [DRIP_02]
Expansion Devices - FING, FLAT, P_COM, & STRIP
Finger Plate - FING
Prestressed Structure at End Bent [FING01]
Prestressed Structure at Intermediate Bent [FING02]
Steel Structure at End Bent [FING03]
Steel Structure at Intermediate Bent [FING04]
Prestressed to Steel Structure [FING05]
Prestressed to Steel Structure (at Median) [FING06]
Flat Plate - FLAT
Prestressed Structure at End Bent [FLAT01]
Prestressed Structure at Intermediate Bent [FLAT02]
Steel Structure at End Bent [FLAT03]
Steel Structure at Intermediate Bent [FLAT04]
Preformed Compression - P_COM
Prestressed Structure at End Bent [P_COM01]
Steel Structure at End Bent [P_COM02]
Steel Structure at Intermediate Bent [P_COM03]
Strip Seal - STRIP
Prestressed Structure at End Bent [STRIP01]
Prestressed Structure at Intermediate Bent [STRIP02]
Steel Structure at End Bent [STRIP03]
Steel Structure at Intermediate Bent [STRIP04]
Steel to Prestressed Structure [STRIP05]
Fences - FEN
Pedestrian Chain Link Fence [FEN01]
Chain Link Fence on Face of Barrier [FEN02]
Pedestrian Curb Details [FEN03]
Deco. Ped. Fence w/ U-Bolts - Fence Details [FEN04]
Deco. Ped. Fence w/ Resin Anchors - Fence Details [FEN05]
Joint Seals - SEAL
Open Cell Foam [SEAL01]
Preformed Silicone or EPDM [SEAL02]
Front sheet - LRFD1 [MSEW_01]
Notes - LRFD2 [MSEW_02]
Details - LRFD3 [MSEW_03]
Details - LRFD4 [MSEW_04]
LFD1 [MSEW_05]
LFD2 [MSEW_06]
LFD3 [MSEW_07]
LFD4 [MSEW_08]
Pile - PILE
Cast-in-Place Concrete
Closed-Ended Cast-in-Place Concrete [PILE01]
Open-Ended Cast-in-Place Concrete [PILE02]
As-Built Pile Data
For piles without Dynamic Pile Testing [PILE03]
For piles with Dynamic Pile Testing [PILE04]
Plate Girder Splices (Web & Flange) - PGS
For LFD Plate Girders [PGS_01]
For LRFD Plate Girders [PGS_02]
Prestressed Box Beams - PSBXB
17 inch
Squared End [PSBXB01]
Skewed End [PSBXB02]
21 inch
Squared End [PSBXB03]
Skewed End [PSBXB04]
27 inch
Squared End [PSBXB05]
Skewed End [PSBXB06]
33 inch
Squared End [PSBXB07]
Skewed End [PSBXB08]
39 inch
Squared End [PSBXB09]
Skewed End [PSBXB10]
42 inch
Squared End [PSBXB11]
Skewed End [PSBXB12]
Prestressed I-Girders - PSI
Type 2
6" Web, 2'8" Height, Girder Type 2 Base File [PSI01]
Girder Type 2 Reference File [PSI01 strands]
Type 3
6" Web, 3'3" Height, Girder Type 3 Base File [PSI02]
Girder Type 3 Reference File [PSI02 strands]
Type 4
6" Web, 3'9" Height, Girder Type 4 Base File [PSI03]
Girder Type 4 Reference File [PSI03 strands]
Type 6
6 1/2" Web, 4'6" Height, Girder Type 6 Base File [PSI04]
Girder Type 6 Reference File [PSI04 strands]
Bulb Tee
6" Web, 6'-0 1/2" Height, Bulb Tee Girder Base File [PSI05]
Bulb Tee Girder Reference File [PSI05 strands]
NU Girders, Welded Wire Reinf., All Heights [PSI06]
NU Girders, Alternate Bar Reinf., All Heights [PSI07]
Prestressed Panels - PSP
For Type 2, 3 & 4 PS Girders [PSP01]
For Type 6 PS Girders [PSP02]
For Type 7 & 8 (Bulb Tee) PS Girders [PSP03]
For PS NU Girders [PSP04]
For PS Box Beams [PSP05]
For Steel Structures [PSP06]
Redecking - REDECK
Sections thru Deck, General Notes & Quantities [REDECK01]
Redeck Details [REDECK02]
Strengthening of Existing Beams [REDECK07]
Rehabilitation, Surfacing & Widening - RHB
Deck Rehab. (Deck Repair and Wearing Surface Details)
Cast-in-place deck on steel or concrete girders [RHB01]
Precast panel deck on steel or concrete girders [RHB02]
Cast-in-place monolithic box girder bridge [RHB03]
Cast-in-place voided or solid slab bridge [RHB04]
Optional slab cantilever replacement [RHB06]
Steel Girder and Beam Strengthening [RHB05]
Bridge Deck Crack Filler Table for Multiple Bridges [RHB07]
Fiber Reinf. Polymer (FRP) Wrap for Bent Cap Strengthening [RHB08]
Steel HP Pile Maintenance and Repair
HP Pile Repair 10x42 [RHB09]
HP Pile Repair 10x42 w/ Encasement [RHB10]
HP Pile Encasement 10x42 [RHB11]
HP Pile Repair 12x53 [RHB12]
HP Pile Repair 12x53 w/ Encasement [RHB13]
HP Pile Encasement 12x53 [RHB14]
HP Pile Repair 14x73 [RHB15]
HP Pile Repair 14x73 w/ Encasement [RHB16]
HP Pile Encasement 14x73 [RHB17]
Cored Slab Drain for Existing Bridge Decks [RHB18]
Slab Sections - SLAB
24' Roadway [SLAB01]
26' Roadway [SLAB02]
28' Roadway [SLAB03]
30' Roadway [SLAB04]
32' Roadway [SLAB05]
36' Roadway [SLAB06]
38' Roadway (Symmetrical) [SLAB07]
38' Roadway (Unsymmetrical) [SLAB08]
40' Roadway [SLAB09]
44' Roadway [SLAB10]
Temporary Bridges - TEMP
Front Sheet [TEMP1]
Bent Sheet [TEMP2]
Steel Details [TEMP3]
Rail Sheet [TEMP4]
Thrie Beam Rails - THRIE
State System 1 - Top Mounted
New Slab on Girder Structures - Slab Depth 8.5" & Over [THRIE1a]
New Slab on Girder Structures - Slab Depth 8.5" & Over Details [THRIE1b]
New Double-Tee Structures - Slab Depth 8.5" & Over [THRIE1c]
State System 2 - Side Mounted
Rehab of Existing Structures - Slab Depth 22" and Over [THRIE2a]
Rehab of Existing Structures - Slab Depth 22" & Over Details [THRIE2b]
State System 3 - Side Mounted
Rehab or Widening - Slab Depth Btwn. 8.5" & 19" [THRIE3a]
Rehab or Widening - Slab Depth Btwn. 8.5" & 19" Details [THRIE3b]
State System 4 - Side Mounted
Rehab of Box Girder or Deck Girder Structures [THRIE4a]
Rehab of Box Girder or Deck Girder Structures Details [THRIE4b]
Additional Detailing with Latex, Low Slump or Silica Fume Overlays [THRIE4c]
Rehab of Box Girder or Deck Girder Structure with Large Cantilever [THRIE4d]
Thrie Beam Off-System Projects Only
(Reference Only - Not Maintained)