Design-Build Overview

As per Sec. 227.107, RSMo, MoDOT was given the authority for three pilot projects using the design-build project delivery technique: The New I-64, kcICON and the Safe & Sound Bridge Improvement Program. Each was completed ahead of schedule and on, or under, budget.

Subsequently, the statute was amended to give MoDOT the opportunity to enter into design-build contracts on no more than two percent of the total number of all state highway system projects awarded to contracts for construction from projects listed in the commission’s approved statewide transportation improvement project for that state fiscal year.

What is Design-Build?

Design-Build (DB) is a project delivery method in which the design and construction services are contracted by a single entity known as the design-build contractor. It has been used in vertical construction for many years, but is relatively new to transportation projects. Design-Build provides a single point of responsibility in the contract in an attempt to reduce risks and overall costs to the state. The selection of the design-build contractor is based on qualifications of the design engineer and contractor and the overall best value of the proposal based on the established end-result goals of the project.

Design-Build Industry Announcements

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How does it compare to Design-Bid-Build?

Missouri’s traditional approach for construction projects involves either MoDOT staff or an engineering consultant to develop the design plans. Then, the plans are made available to the contracting industry to submit bids for construction and the lowest responsive bid wins the contract.  The DB approach enables the designer and contractor to work together in development of the best buildable plans for construction. Construction work begins as the pieces of the design are ready. This overlapping of design and construction reduces the overall delivery schedule to achieve the end product faster.

Design-Build Project Lists By Status

When is it the right time to do Design-Build?

Not every project is a good candidate for Design-Build. The traditional approach to designing and then bidding a project is still a very viable process to build construction projects, especially on projects that are fairly routine or constrained in some manner that reduces the opportunity for innovation. However, the DB advantages of speed and flexibility in design and construction innovation can provide better results on certain complex projects. It is a good option to choose DB procurement for projects that have multiple solutions providing an opportunity for innovation, have high impact to the public especially with traffic control, other unique or unusual conditions or when specialty skills are needed for the project’s design and construction.  

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