Historic Bridge — Tarkio River Bridge

Bridge Location

County: Holt   

Road: Missouri 111

Feature Crossed: Tarkio River

Other Location Information: Approximately 2.75 miles west of Craig

Structure Number: Bridge No. T0104

Bridge Information

Owner: Missouri Highways & Transportation Commission

Type: Pony Truss, polygonal Warren truss subtype, wide flange girder approach spans

Length: Total length: 180’; Pony truss is 100’

Width: 20’ roadway width

Year Built: 1934

Builder: T. J. Morris, Hannibal, Missouri

Current Load Rating: Trucks over 14 tons 15 MPH 

For further information and proposal submittals, interested parties may contact: 

Name: Historic Preservation Section

Organization: MoDOT

Address: P.O. Box 270, Jefferson City, MO 65102

Email: co_historic_preservation@modot.mo.gov 

Phone: (573) 526-4778

Narrative Description:

Bridge T0104 is a 180’ long bridge with a 90’ polygonal pony truss and a 38’ wide flange girder approach span on each end. The bridge has concrete abutments with wingwalls, and concrete piers. The concrete deck has an asphalt wearing surface and two-tier channel rails.

The bridge is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under criterion C for local significance in engineering. The bridge is a good example of an early standard plan polygonal Warren pony truss. The polygonal truss design allowed for longer span lengths using less steel than earlier truss designs.

MoDOT’s Historic Preservation Section is now accepting proposals for the relocation and reuse of the bridge or its components until December 31, 2024. A proposal checklist is available MoDOT’s Free Bridges website (http://www.modot.org/freebridges/). Preservation covenants may accompany the bridge.