Governor Parson's Bridge Program Awarded Contracts on First 14 Bridges

(JEFFERSON CITY, MO) – Today, the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded construction contracts to rehabilitate or replace 14 of the state’s poor bridges. They are the first bridges to be awarded under Governor Mike Parson’s Focus on Bridges program, which was proposed in January and passed by the Missouri General Assembly in May.

“We’ve made great progress toward improving Missouri’s bridge infrastructure in recent months, and this set of contracts is another major step in the right direction,” Governor Parson said. “With one of the nation’s largest but lowest-funded highway systems, Missouri’s road and bridge needs must be addressed to ensure we have the framework for future access and expansion. Our bridge program is critical to meeting those needs, and we’re excited to see it move forward with these first 14 bridges.”

The Focus on Bridges program provides $50 million in state general revenue for the repair or replacement of 45 bridges that had already been prioritized for work. All 45 bridges will be under contract by the end of the year and completed in 2020.

Since these bridges were already programmed in the state’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the $50 million that originally would have been spent on these projects is now available to be used for other important projects. Those new projects will be identified by local planning partners in the 2021-2024 STIP.

“We’ve had some great transportation news in the state of Missouri the last several months,” Missouri Department of Transportation Director Patrick McKenna said. “This is just one more example of what can happen when a Governor takes such a strong leadership role in the transportation investment arena and is joined by bipartisan support in the General Assembly.”

In July, MoDOT received an $81.2 million INFRA Grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation that will facilitate the construction of a new I-70 Missouri River Bridge at Rocheport and I-70 climbing lanes at Mineola Hill in Montgomery County – two significant improvements to the I-70 freight corridor. The grant will also trigger a $301 million bonding program, authorized by the legislature in the 2019 session, that will repair or replace an additional 215 bridges across the state – freeing up $301 million from the current Statewide Transportation Improvement Program for new transportation improvement projects.

For a list of the bridges awarded contracts, please see attachment. For additional information, call MoDOT at 888-ASK-MODOT (275-6636) or visit


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