MoDOT shortlists two teams for SL Safety Improvements Project

ST. LOUIS– The Missouri Department of Transportation has selected two teams for the design and construction of the SL Safety Improvements project.

The primary goal of the SL Safety Improvements Project is to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes in the St. Louis area for pedestrians and other roadway users. This project is a partnership with St. Louis County to provide safety improvements on St. Louis County roads as well as state routes in Jefferson County, St. Louis City, and St. Louis County.

The following teams were selected to further develop their proposals on the project:

  • Gershenson Construction Co., Inc. teamed with Wilson & Company and Bartlett & West
  • West Contracting Co. teamed with Horner & Shifrin, Lochmueller Group, Engineering Design Services Inc.

The teams’ proposals will be due in December and the Best Value Proposer will be selected in early January 2024. The project is expected to be completed by Summer 2026.

"I am excited about these two teams. They are solid teams with significant experience,” said Project Director Stacey Smith. “I am looking forward to working with them to save lives in the St. Louis area.”

For more details about the project, visit the project webpage at

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