2023 Transportation Alternatives Program Award Announcement

The Missouri Department of Transportation is pleased to announce the award of the 2023

Transportation Alternatives Program projects.

The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) is federally funded through the Infrastructure 

Investment and Jobs Act. The goal of the program is to expand transportation choices and 

enhance the transportation experience through categories of activities related to the surface 

transportation system. The TAP focuses on non-motorized transportation projects with an 

emphasis on bicycle and pedestrian facilities.

Seventy-nine projects were selected totaling approximately $27.8 million in federal funds with a 

total project cost of $37.2 million. This funding is for projects located outside of the State’s 

three urban Transportation Management Areas. Please see the link below for a complete list of 

the project awards.

The sponsors of awarded projects will soon receive official project award notification from their 

MoDOT District Local Public Agency program coordinator with information detailing the next 

steps in the TAP project implementation process.

Local public agencies are reimbursed for eligible project costs at a maximum rate of 80 percent 

with the local agency providing a minimum 20 percent match. 

For additional information on the MoDOT Transportation Alternatives Program, please contact 

Laura.Ellen@modot.mo.gov or (314) 275-1542. For information related to your project or 

application, please contact your respective MoDOT District LPA contact.


2023 TAP Announcement List

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