The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) will hold an open house public information meeting regarding the proposed improvements to the structures included in the Kaysinger Basin Bridge Bundle Design-Build Project throughout Bates, Benton, Cedar, Henry, Hickory, St. Clair, and Vernon counties on Thursday, October 3, 2024, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Benson Convention Center, 1008 E Sedalia Ave, Clinton, MO, 64735

This meeting will identify the bridges currently planned for improvements, anticipated construction and traffic impacts at each bridge, and a broad overview of the current schedule through the end of the project construction contract (November 2027). All interested persons are invited to attend and present relevant comments and questions. The “open house” format allows the public to come at any time during the advertised hours, gather pertinent information about the project, speak one-on-one with project personnel, and leave as they wish.

Identified as the Kaysinger Basin Bridge Bundle Project, the proposed project would replace or rehabilitate up to 25 bridges throughout the above-mentioned counties. The majority of these bridges are on roads with traffic volumes less than 1,000 vehicles per day, though some carry a much higher traffic volume. On average, these bridges have been in service for 70 years, with one bridge in Vernon County reaching the 100-year mark in 2021.

The purpose of the proposed project is to connect and serve the communities and citizens of rural southwestern Missouri by bringing poor condition bridges up to current standards. The need for the project is based on the conditions of the existing bridges.

The proposed project is currently in the planning and information gathering stages. All 25 bridges currently planned for replacement or rehabilitation are being assessed for existing structural capacity and hydraulic performance. Potential impacts to right-of-way and environmental impacts at these locations are also being investigated based on anticipated construction footprints. The initial phase of construction is proposed to begin in 2025.

Bridge repair and construction work will be done either under traffic or under closure. Access to adjacent properties will be maintained during construction but may be limited at times due to construction requirements.

The public is encouraged to attend this meeting to learn about the proposed project and temporary traffic impacts and provide comments by October 31, 2024. Following the meetings, comments or requests should be submitted to: Kaysinger Basin Bridge Bundle Project, c/o MoDOT Southwest District, 3025 East Kearney St., Springfield, MO 65803; SWCR@modot.mo.gov; voice telephone (888) 275-6636.

MoDOT will make every reasonable accommodation to provide accessible meeting facilities for all persons. Appropriate provisions for the hearing and visually challenged or persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) will be made if MoDOT is notified by September 27, 2024 at the contact above. A Spanish interpreter will also be available at the meeting.

Information regarding the proposed project will be made available on the MoDOT website at https://www.modot.org/kaysinger-basin-bridge-bundle. For those without internet access, information may be obtained through the contact above or at the MoDOT Southwest District, 3025 East Kearney St., Springfield, MO 65803

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