ST. LOUIS COUNTY – The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) has scheduled an open-house style public meeting for its Route 67 (Lindbergh Blvd.) corridor upgrades project. The meeting will be held Wednesday, Jan. 29 from 4-6 p.m. at the St. Ann Community Center, 1 Community Center Dr. 63074
The meeting will focus on plans for improvement of Route 67 between I-70 and Route D (Page Ave.) Planned improvements include resurfacing the existing roadway, updating the corridor's pedestrian infrastructure to meet ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements, reconstructing traffic signals and replacing signage.
Attendees can stop by at any time during the meeting to view project plans and speak with Route 67 team members. A formal presentation is not scheduled. Attendees will also have an opportunity to provide feedback on the project by completing a comment form while at the meeting or online at U.S. Route 67 Corridor Upgrades in St. Louis | Missouri Department of Transportation. The comment form will be available Jan. 29-Feb. 13.
Access for people with disabilities is available. People with disabilities who require special services at the public meeting should notify Senior Communications Specialist Charlene Goston by Jan. 22 at 314-624-3765 so arrangements for those services can be made.
For further information on the Route 67 project, visit U.S. Route 67 Corridor Upgrades in St. Louis | Missouri Department of Transportation.