Archived As of 10/11/17

Archived LPA News:


LPA Statewide Advisory Committee Selection

MoDOT is proud to announce it has selected five new members from around the state to serve on the Statewide LPA Advisory Committee. The committee members will be asked to contribute to the development of policies, improve communication and influence the overall direction of Missouri's local program. The new members are as follows:




Dawne Gardner City of Springfield


Sara Fields Ozark Transportation Organization


Dan Colbert Lincoln County Commission


Bill Cobb S.H. Smith & Company


Todd Kempker Bartlett & West


The entire list of the LPA Advisory Committee members and contact information can be found on the website at LPA Advisory Committee.

Posted 10/11/17


Eastern Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) - Projects Selected

Projects for the Missouri Eastern Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) have been selected for fiscal years 2017-2020.  The projects that have been identified for programming for the Missouri FLAP can be found here:  Missouri Program of Projects for Federal Fiscal Years 2017 - 2020

For additional information regarding the FLAP program please go here:  Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP).

Posted 9/18/17


Upcoming Training Webinars

Please find below information on upcoming training webinars:


Designing Multimodal Roundabouts: Making Them Safe and Efficient for All

September 11, 2017 : 1 PM to 3 PM

TRB will conduct a webinar that will address the misconceptions and misinformation about modern roundabouts, which inhibits their implementation. Presenters will discuss state-of-the-art roundabout design procedures that make roundabouts safe and efficient for all modes of travel, including transit, trucks, bicycles, and pedestrians.

Modern Roundabouts: Downtown and Suburban Revitalization

September 18, 2017 : 1 PM to 3 PM

TRB will conduct a webinar that will provide examples of ways the modern roundabout may be able to revitalize a downtown area, enhance a community’s well-being, and provide a safer and more efficient traffic flow in urban and suburban areas. Presenters will describe how roundabouts have jumpstarted downtown revitalization, illustrate how roundabouts have enhanced communities, and demonstrate how roundabouts have improved traffic flow.

Posted 8/22/17


FY 2018 and 2019 Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) Funding Now Available

Application period 07/14/2017 through 9/14/2017

The Missouri Department of Transportation is seeking projects that could be funded with Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) funds.

The Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) allows local public agencies (LPA) to receive engineering assistance for studying traffic engineering problems. LPAs facing a traffic safety or operational problem can utilize the LPA On-Call Consultant List to perform a traffic study.

Typical traffic engineering related projects include:  corridor safety and/or operational analysis, intersection(s) safety and/or operational analysis, speed limit review, sign inventory, pedestrian/bike route analysis, parking issues, and other traffic studies, etc. During this program call, MoDOT is opening applications for ADA Transition Plans for TEAP funding.  The ADA Transition planning work may utilize Trails & Sidewalk or TEAP consultants from the MoDOT LPA consultant on-call list.

Local public agencies are reimbursed for eligible project costs at a rate of 80 percent with the local agency providing a 20-percent match.  Funds administered by MoDOT will provide 80 percent of the TEAP project costs, up to $8,000 per project. If the total cost is greater than $10,000, the local agency can pay more than 20 percent to complete the TEAP project, if desired.

This year MoDOT is awarding two years’ worth of funding with projects to receive funding in the year funds are available. Eligible projects must be able to be completed by spring of 2018 or spring of 2019.

Applications are due September 14, 2017 to the district LPA staff, with selected projects to be announced in November 2017.

FY18 TEAP Schedule

For more information and applications, visit TEAP

For details on how to apply and the application process, please contact your local MoDOT LPA person:

Posted 7/14/17


ALERT: Information Regarding DocuSign Data Breach

It has been brought to our attention that DocuSign had a recent data breach.  The breach only included email addresses and no other information in an individual’s account

If you have a DocuSign account and receive an email from DocuSign, please reference the following information prior to clicking any links in the email:

  • All DocuSign production email notifications will come from an email address (on the To: line) like
  • Always check where the link goes before clicking on it.  Hover over the “Review Document” link and the domain should always be from “” (see screen shot).

Posted 5/22/17



Beginning July 1, 2017, MoDOT will be utilizing a new tool for executing contracts, DocuSign.  This new tool is free to our consultants and is compatible with any device that receives email.  DocuSign is a web based product that does not require any other applications on the consultant’s part. 


After the Consultant selection has been made, a contract will need to be executed.  The consultant will receive an email from MoDOT via DocuSign to sign the contract.  Once the contract is opened the signer will be asked to enter an access code.  This access code will be provided by mail (one access code per consultant).  Before signing electronically the consultant must agree to the DocuSign, Inc. Express Electronic Signature Agreement to do business with MoDOT.  After the contract has been fully executed, the consultant will receive an email from DocuSign with the fully executed agreement.


Linked below are the DocuSign User Guide and the DocuSign Agreement that must be checked before you sign each contract.  We ask for your patience as we transition to DocuSign and require all of our consultants to use DocuSign when executing contracts.


Signing contracts with DocuSign User Guide

MHTC DocuSign Agreement


For more information please contact one of the following:

Ashley Buechter – 573-751-3728

Kenny Voss – 573-526-2924

MaryAnn Jacobs – 573-751-2807

Posted 5/4/17



Beginning December 1, 2016, MoDOT started utilizing a new tool for executing contracts, DocuSign. This new tool is free to our vendors and partners and is compatible with any device that receives email.  DocuSign is a web based product that does not require any other applications on the entity's part. 

DocuSign will allow our partners to sign contracts electronically rather than by hand and by doing this, executing contracts will become more efficient.  Becoming registered with DocuSign is not a requirement for our LPA partners but it is highly encouraged.

We are asking our LPA partners to complete the following survey to let us know if your LPA is interested in becoming registered to use DocuSign. If you are interested, the survey will ask for additional information to start the process of becoming registered to use DocuSign.

After we compile all survey responses, we will work with each LPA that is interested in using DocuSign to complete all necessary paperwork to assign DocuSign access codes.

Please note that multiple individuals from one LPA can be signed up to use DocuSign, but you will need separate email addresses.  If your LPA only has one email address, then only one person will be allowed to sign electronically for that LPA.In addition, please coordinate your response for your LPA and only complete one survey per LPA.

Please respond by April 13, 2017.

Posted 3/30/17


Notification - LPA On-Call Consultant List

Local Agencies,

The 2017-2020 LPA On-Call listing has been finalized and will be effective beginning March 1, 2017 (the existing list will remain in effect until then).  The LPA On-Call Consultant List was created through a qualifications based selection process.  The process was administered by MoDOT and quality assurance was provided by Missouri ACEC.  MoDOT together with Missouri’s Local Program Advisory Panel (excluding the consultants) managed the consultant review and selections. 

  • LPA On-Call Consultant ListEffective  Wednesday March 1, 2017
  • LPA Contact Information regarding consultant selections
  • DBE Goals – DBE goals will be set on individual projects that utilize the on-call consultant list. 
  • For more information on how to utilize the LPA On-Call Consultant List, see EPG


Posted 2/17/17


SPECIAL NOTICE - 2017 - 2020 MoDOT and LPA On-Call Request


Please note this is not a listing of the selected consultants for the 2017-2020 on-call listing, this is a request regarding submittals received. MoDOT is in the middle of reviewing on-call submittals and selecting consulting firms for both MoDOT and LPA.  In order to verify that no consultant submittal was missed, a listing of all consultants whose submittals were received has been generated for each on-call solicitation.  If your consultant firm submitted information for either solicitation please review the respective listing and if you do not see your firm on the list, please contact either MaryAnn Jacobs at (573) 751-2807 or Ashley Buechter at (573) 751-3728.  In addition, if your firm submitted information for multiple on-call categories and you are curious if the submittals were received for all of those categories, please feel free to contact MaryAnn or Ashley to confirm.

Submittals for MoDOT 2017 - 2020 On-Call Solicitation

Submittals for LPA 2017 - 2020 On-Call Solicitation

Posted 1/26/17


Information from FHWA on HAPCO Decorative Lighting Poles

Below is a link to a memo from FHWA regarding breakaway decorative lighting poles manufactured by HAPCO Aluminum Pole Products. The information pertains to a recent voluntary disclosure made by HAPCO that identifies discrepancies between the manufactured device and the device crash tested as described in the August 20, 2007 FHWA eligibility letter LS-64. The discrepancies are primarily associated with the type of hex nuts and washers used with the device.

Memo from FHWA

Posted 1/26/17


2017 Transportation Alternatives Award Announcement

Missouri Department of Transportation is pleased to announce the FY 2017 Transportation Alternatives award projects.


The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) is federally funded through the FAST Act.  The goal of the program is to expand transportation choices and enhance the transportation experience through categories of activities related to the surface transportation system.  The TAP focuses on non-motorized transportation projects with an emphasis on bike and pedestrian facilities.

MoDOT awarded two years of funding (FY 2017 and FY 2018) for the rural TAP.  There were 91 applications received with a total federal request of almost $22 million.  There are 36 projects that have been selected totaling approximately $7.6 million in federal funds.

The awarded project sponsors will receive an official email from the MoDOT district TAP coordinator informing them of the next steps in the TAP process.

Local public agencies are reimbursed for eligible project costs at a rate of eighty percent with the local agency providing a twenty percent match. 

For additional information at the MoDOT Transportation Alternatives program, please contact or at 417-829-8016.

Posted 1/3/17


SPECIAL NOTICE - 2017 LPA On-Call Solicitation ADDENDUM and FAQ

Today, December 6, 2016, an addendum and FAQ was posted for Missouri’s Local Program (LPA) solicitation for on-call consultant services.  The addendum adds clarification and removes requirements of the company reference forms; changes can be seen in red on page 3 of the solicitation addendum.  And the FAQ will be updated if new questions come in, so please be sure to reference this document often.  This solicitation addendum and FAQ is for Missouri’s Local Program (LPA) and not for MoDOT on-call services.

As a reminder, a list of LPA On-Call Consultants will be created from this solicitation.  LPA’s will then be able to choose consultants for projects that fit the requirements of each category with a $100,000 limit.  All submittals must be electronic and sent to as noted in the solicitation.  Applications are due December 15, 2016.

Please note that all consultants must be prequalified before December 15, 2016 to be considered for the On-Call Consultant List. 

LPA Solicitation Website

LPA On-Call Solicitation Addendum

LPA On-Call Solicitation FAQ

Posted 12/6/16


Every Place Counts Leadership Academy - Regional Workshops

USDOT is hosting an Every Place Counts Leadership Academy - Regional Workshops on Tuesday, December 13, 2016.

Posted 12/5/16


SPECIAL NOTICE - 2017 LPA On-Call Solicitation

Today, November 1, 2016, Missouri’s Local Program (LPA) posted a solicitation for on-call consultant services.  This solicitation is for Missouri’s Local Program (LPA) and not for MoDOT on-call services. A list of LPA On-Call Consultants will be created from this solicitation.  LPA’s will then be able to choose consultants for projects that fit the requirements of each category with a $100,000 limit.  All submittals must be electronic and sent to as noted in the solicitation.  Applications are due December 15, 2016.

Please note that all consultants must be prequalified before December 15, 2016 to be considered for the On-Call Consultant List. 

LPA Solicitation Website

Posted 11/01/16


Federal Register Notice for Participation in Local Empowerment for Accelerating Projects (LEAP) Pilot Program

FHWA is soliciting applications from interested local public agencies (LPAs) for participation in the Local Empowerment for Accelerating Projects (LEAP) Pilot Program, through Federal Register (FR) Notice FHWA-2016-0030 that will be published on Wednesday, October 26, 2016.  A copy of the notice is currently available for view at

Aware of interests and concerns for improvements of the Federal-aid Highway Program (FAHP) delivery to LPAs, the Office of  Program Administration (HIPA) collaborated with the Office of the Secretary to conduct, on an experimental basis, the direct delivery of Federal-aid funding to LPA for sponsored projects.  Up to five LPAs will be selected for the pilot with the objectives to:


  • Determine whether LPAs can deliver Federal-aid projects more expeditiously and at a lower cost as a direct recipient.
  • Assess the additional costs and other impacts to FHWA associated with providing effective and efficient stewardship and oversight to an expanded number of direct Federal-aid recipients, and to explore various approaches to stewardship and oversight. (Additional FHWA resources are incorporated in the pilot).


The pilot program will be carried out for a period of five years (unless extended).  Applications for the program are requested by November 25, 2016.  Please share this notice with your State DOT and assist us, to the extent  practical, in getting information to LPAs.  Selected LPAs will need to enter into agreements with their respective State DOTs and FHWA that set forth the terms of the parties’ responsibilities and the amount of Federal-aid highway funds to be transferred to the LPA from the State’s apportionment.  HIPA is planning for an opportunity to discuss this initiative in more details with Division offices; more information will be forthcoming.  In the meantime, feel free to contact Gregory Murrill directly at 202-366-5530 or Bob Wright ( at 202-366-4630 if you have any questions.


Posted 10/25/16


2017 Traffic Engineering Assistance Program Award Announcement!


The LPA Program is pleased to announce the FY2017 TEAP Project Awards.

The Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) allows local public agencies (LPA) to receive engineering assistance for studying traffic engineering problems. LPAs awarded TEAP funding for a traffic safety or operational problem must utilize the LPA On-Call Consultant List to perform the traffic study.

All awarded project sponsors will receive an official email informing them of the next steps in the TEAP process. 


Local public agencies are reimbursed for eligible project costs at a rate of 80 percent with the local agency providing a 20-percent match.  Funds administered by MoDOT will provide 80 percent of the TEAP project costs, up to $8,000 per project. If the total cost is greater than $10,000, the local agency can pay more than 20 percent to complete the TEAP project, if desired.

Eligible projects must be completed by April of 2017.


2017 Traffic Engineering Assistance Program Funded Projects List

Local Agency

Funded Amount

Type of Project

City of St Robert $8,000.00 Missouri Ave Corridor Study – St Robert Outer Road to Gateway Circle
City of Pleasant Hill $8,000.00

Pleasant Hill Bikeway Plan

City of Parkville $8,000.00

Lewis Street Traffic Study

City of Louisiana $8,000.00

Georgia Street Improvement Project

City of Moberly $8,000.00

Fisk Ave Corridor Study for Bike/Ped safety and Connectivity

City of Jackson $8,000.00

East Main St Intersection Evaluation

City of Des Peres $8,000.00 Traffic Calming Study – Old Des Peres Rd to Dougherty Ferry Road

University City

$8,000.00 Speed Control Study for School Zones within City limits
City of Ballwin $8,000.00 Intersection Operational & Safety Study – Holloway Rd at Kehrs Mill Rd

City of Republic

$8,000.00 Hines and Lynn Intersection Analysis

City of Warsaw

$8,000.00 Warsaw Livable Community Transportation Expansion Study


Posted 10/14/16


Reminder - LPA On-Call Solicitation

The LPA On-Call Solicitation will be posted to the website on November 1, 2016. A blast email will also be sent out on November 1, 2016.

Posted 9/30/16


Eastern Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Call for Projects is OPEN

Federal Highway Administration Eastern Federal Lands (EFL) is now accepting Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) applications in order to develop a four year program of projects for Fiscal Years (FY) 2017 thru 2020. Project approvals will be contingent upon availability of funds.  EFL is now accepting project applications from the following Midwestern states: Minnesota, Missouri, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.  The call for projects opens September 15, 2016 and runs through December 16, 2016. Applications should be submitted via email to by December 16, 2016.

More Information

For more information, refer to links below:

EFL FLAP Frequently Asked Questions 2016

FINAL EFL FM PLN 03_2_ 2016 Revised Access Program Application

MO CFP Alert FY 17_20

EFL_FLAP_Safety_Approval Form_2016

Tips for preparing a good FLAP application 2016


Posted 9/15/16


Notice of FY2017 Statewide Rural TAP Call for Projects - Applications due November 1, 2016

The Missouri Department of Transportation is seeking projects to be funded using 2017 Rural Statewide Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP).  This program call will award $7.6 million of federal TAP funds.  LPAs that reside within the Metropolitan Planning Organizations of OTO, MARC, and East-west Gateway are not eligible for this program call.

Eligible projects include:

  • Construction of on-road and off-road trail facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other non-motorized forms of transportation, including sidewalks, bicycle infrastructure, pedestrian and bicycle signals, traffic calming techniques, lighting, and other safety-related infrastructure, and transportation projects to achieve compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990;

  • Construction of infrastructure-related projects and systems that will provide safe routes for non-drivers, including children, older adults, and individuals with disabilities to access daily needs;
  • Conversion and use of abandoned railroad corridors for trails for pedestrians, bicyclists, or other non-motorized transportation users; and
  • Construction of infrastructure-related projects to improve the ability of students to walk and bicycle to school, including sidewalk improvements, traffic calming and speed reduction improvements, pedestrian and bicycle crossing improvements, on-street bicycle facilities, off-street bicycle and pedestrian facilities, secure bicycle parking facilities, and traffic diversion improvements in the vicinity of schools.

Awarded projects will be funded with 80 percent federal funds and require a minimum 20 percent cash local match. 


Links to the Program Guide and Nomination Form:


Application packets are due to the district offices by November 1, 2016. Awards are anticipated to be made in January of 2017.


For additional information contact your district representative or 417-829-8016

Posted 8/11/16


LPA Program Changes

On July 7, 2016, the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (MHTC) approved the elimination of the Small Urban Surface Transportation (STP-SU) and On-System Bridge and Rehabilitation (BRM) Programs.  These programs have not been required by a federal transportation bill since 1991 so the MHTC decided to discontinue funding these programs in fiscal year 2017.  These funds will be redirected towards MoDOT’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and distributed using the MHTC funding allocation formula.  This was a tough and unpopular decision but was necessary due to limited resources.

The last allocation of STP-SU program funds has been allocated for fiscal year 2016 and is reflected in the linked STP-SU fund balances and on the LPA website.  MoDOT will honor previous project commitments and allow sponsors three years to use existing balances.  Project sponsors will have until September 30, 2019 to obligate any remaining balance.  No federal obligations will be allowed after September 30, 2019 including change orders, award adjustments or any other project related activities. Reimbursements of expenditures are eligible after September 30, 2019 as long as the funds have been obligated.  Any remaining unobligated balances will be redirected to MoDOT’s STIP after September 30, 2019.

Thank you for your continued partnership to improve Missouri’s transportation system.  Please work with your local MoDOT contact to use your remaining balance.  Please contact Kenny Voss at 573-526-2924 if you have any questions regarding this decision.

Posted 8/5/16


LPA Environmental Review Changes

The process for requesting environmental review of federally funded LPA projects by MoDOT has changed.  A new electronic Request for Environment Review (RER) has been created to replace the old RER form.  The new electronic RER can be found at:


RER Instructions

The electronic RER has been updated in the LPA Manual (EPG 136.6) along with instructions (Fig. 136.6.5) on how to complete the form.  All projects that have not started the environmental review process will use the new electronic form.  Any projects that have already started the review process will continue following the old review process.

Posted 8/5/16


Eastern Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Call for Projects Alert

Federal Highway Administration Eastern Federal Lands (EFL) will be accepting Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) applications in order to develop a four year program of projects for Fiscal Years (FY) 2017 through FY2020. Project approvals will be contingent upon availability of funds.  EFL will be accepting project applications from the following Midwestern states: Minnesota, Missouri, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.  The call for projects opens September 15, 2016 and runs through December 16, 2016. Applications should be submitted via email to by December 16, 2016.

More Information

For more information, refer to links below:

EFL FLAP Frequently Asked Questions 2016

FINAL EFL FM PLN 03_2_ 2016 Revised Access Program Application

MO CFP Alert FY 17_20

EFL_FLAP_Safety_Approval Form_2016

Tips for preparing a good FLAP application 2016

Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) Funding Now Available

Application period 07/07/2016 through 09/09/2016

The Missouri Department of Transportation is seeking projects that could be funded with Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) funds.

The Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) allows local public agencies (LPA) to receive engineering assistance for studying traffic engineering problems. LPAs facing a traffic safety or operational problem can utilize the LPA On-Call Consultant List to perform a traffic study.

Typical traffic engineering related projects include:  corridor safety and/or operational analysis, intersection(s) safety and/or operational analysis, speed limit review, sign inventory, pedestrian/bike route analysis, parking issues, and other traffic studies, etc.

Local public agencies are reimbursed for eligible project costs at a rate of 80 percent with the local agency providing a 20-percent match.  Funds administered by MoDOT will provide 80 percent of the TEAP project costs, up to $8,000 per project. If the total cost is greater than $10,000, the local agency can pay more than 20 percent to complete the TEAP project, if desired.

Eligible projects must be able to be completed by spring of 2017.

Applications are due September 9, 2016 to the district LPA staff, with selected projects to be announced in October 2016.

For more information and applications, visit TEAP

For details on how to apply and the application process, please contact your local MoDOT LPA person:

Posted 7/7/16


LPA Statewide Advisory Committee Selection

MoDOT is proud to announce it has selected five new members from around the state to serve on the Statewide LPA Advisory Committee. The committee members will be asked to contribute to the development of policies, improve communication and influence the overall direction of Missouri's local program.  The new members are as follows:




Marc Hanson Mid-America Regional Council


Donald Black Carter County


Allison Anderson City of Columbia, Public Works


Jeff Martin City of Kansas City, Public Works Department


Nathan Tormala St. Charles County Highway Department


The entire list of advisory committee members and contact information can be found on this website at LPA Advisory Committee.

Posted 6/24/16


Missouri Moves Cost Share Program Funding Now Available


Application Period 6/15/2016 through 7/29/2016.

The Missouri Department of Transportation is seeking projects that could be funded with the Missouri Moves Cost Share Program.

The purpose of the Missouri Moves Cost Share Program is to build partnerships with local entities to pool efforts and resources to deliver transportation projects.  The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) funds this program with General Revenue appropriations from the General Assembly. 

The Missouri Moves Cost Share Program provides financial assistance to public and private applicants for state and local projects satisfying a transportation need.  Eligible projects include roads, bridges, bicycle/pedestrian accommodations and multimodal facilities. A total of $20 million is available.  MoDOT participates up to 50 percent of the total project costs.  One-third of the funds are set aside for multimodal and bicycle/pedestrian projects.  Up to 25 percent of the funds may be distributed to projects in any one MoDOT district.

Projects are selected by the Cost Share/Economic Development Committee, which consists of the Chief Engineer, Chief Financial Officer and the Assistant Chief Engineer. They are then recommended for Commission approval via a STIP amendment.  

Missouri Moves Cost Share Program guidelines, application, and rating matrix are available on MoDOT’s website at  Applications are due July 29, 2016.        

For more information contact Carol Kliethermes at 573-526-2561.

Posted 6/20/16


Tiger Funding Announcement

U.S. Transportation Secretary Foxx Announces $500 Million in Eighth Round of TIGER Funding.

Posted 2/29/16


DBE Goals

Effective 11/06/2015, MoDOT will no longer utilize the statewide programmatic DBE goal (15.38% in FY’16) for On-Call Consultant Contracts.  Guidance for obtaining DBE Goals for LPA On-Call Consultant Contracts can be found in EPG LPA Consideration of DBE for On-Call Contracts.

Posted 11/6/15


2016 Traffic Engineering Assistance Program Award Announcement!


The LPA Program is pleased to announce the FY2016 TEAP Project Awards.

The Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) allows local public agencies (LPA) to receive engineering assistance for studying traffic engineering problems. LPAs awarded TEAP funding for a traffic safety or operational problem must utilize the LPA On-Call Consultant List to perform the traffic study.

All project sponsors who submitted an application will be receiving an official email over the next week or so informing you of the application status. 


2016 Awarded TEAP Projects 

Local public agencies are reimbursed for eligible project costs at a rate of 80 percent with the local agency providing a 20-percent match.  Funds administered by MoDOT will provide 80 percent of the TEAP project costs, up to $8,000 per project. If the total cost is greater than $10,000, the local agency can pay more than 20 percent to complete the TEAP project, if desired.

Eligible projects must be completed by Spring of 2016.

Posted 10/30/15


Potential Payment Impacts on Federal Aid Projects

FHWA's system for processing federal aid payments will be shut down for an upgrade from September 26, 2015 to October 26, 2015. During this period MoDOT will not be able to process reimbursement requests from local public agencies on federal-aid projects.

Letter to LPA Partners

Posted 8/17/15


Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) Funding Now Available

Application period 07/22/2015 through 9/15/2015

The Missouri Department of Transportation is seeking projects that could be funded with Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) funds.

The Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) allows local public agencies (LPA) to receive engineering assistance for studying traffic engineering problems. LPAs facing a traffic safety or operational problem can utilize the LPA On-Call Consultant List to perform a traffic study.

Typical traffic engineering related projects include:  corridor safety and/or operational analysis, intersection(s) safety and/or operational analysis, speed limit review, sign inventory, pedestrian/bike route analysis, parking issues, and other traffic studies, etc.

Local public agencies are reimbursed for eligible project costs at a rate of 80 percent with the local agency providing a 20-percent match.  Funds administered by MoDOT will provide 80 percent of the TEAP project costs, up to $8,000 per project. If the total cost is greater than $10,000, the local agency can pay more than 20 percent to complete the TEAP project, if desired.

Eligible projects must be able to be completed by spring of 2016.

Applications are due September 15, 2015 to the district LPA staff, with selected projects to be announced in October 2015.

For more information and applications, visit TEAP

For details on how to apply and the application process, please contact your local MoDOT LPA person:

Posted 7/22/15



LPA Statewide Advisory Committee Selection

MoDOT is proud to announce it has selected seven new members from around the state to serve on the Statewide LPA Advisory Committee. The committee members will be asked to contribute to the development of policies, improve communication and influence the overall direction of Missouri's local program.  The new members are as follows:





Shannon Howe Howe Company, LLC


Randy White Pioneer Trails Regional Planning Commission


Jason Sivils Great River Engineering


Ted Medler St. Louis County


L.G. Loos City of Maryland Heights


Matt Wohlberg City of Creve Coeur


Tricia Bohler Civil Design, Inc.



The entire list of advisory committee members and contact information can be found on this website at LPA Advisory Committee.

Posted 7/8/15



2015 Transportation Alternatives Program Announcement!


The LPA Program is pleased to announce the FY2015 TAP Project Awards.

The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) provides for a variety of alternative transportation projects, including many that were previously eligible activities under separately funded programs.  The TAP replaces the funding from pre-MAP-21 programs including Transportation Enhancements, Recreational Trails, Safe Routes to School, and Scenic Byways, wrapping them into a single funding source.  There are 13 possible transportation alternatives activity categories, which have been grouped into three groups by common characteristics:  Pedestrian and Bicycle Group, Scenic and Natural Resources Group and the Community Improvement Group.

2015 TAP List of Funded Projects


Local public agencies are reimbursed for eligible project costs at a rate of 80 percent with the local agency providing a 20-percent match.  Funds administered by MoDOT will provide 80 percent of the TAP project costs, up to $240,000 per project. If the total cost is greater than $240,000, the local agency can pay more than 20 percent to complete the TAP project, if desired.

Posted 4/20/15


HUD 2015 Low-income Schedule has been updated and Posted on the FHWA website


This is to inform you that the FY 2015 HUD Low-income Limits have been updated and posted on the FHWA website.  The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (Uniform Act or URA) FY 2015 Low income limits, used in connection with rental assistance payment calculations under 49 CFR 24.402(b), have been issued with an effective date of March 6, 2015. Any calculations prior to that date should use the 2014 Schedule.  The 2015 low-income limits are located at this link:

A sample calculation is located at this link:

For any questions concerning this, please contact Mary Jane Daluge by telephone at (202) 366-2035 or by email at, or your Office of Real Estate Services point of contact.  

Thank you.

Posted 4/10/15


Tiger Funding Announcement

U.S. Transportation Secretary Foxx Announces $500 Million in Seventh Round of TIGER Funding

Posted 4/9/15


LPA Manual & Process Change - Right of Way Acquisition

LPA Partners,

MoDOT, in conjunction with the LPA Advisory Committee, has recently completed a review of the LPA right of way acquisition process, which has resulted in several process improvements. Changes to the LPA Manual (EPG & have now been updated to reflect these new processes. Effective April 1, 2015 the following will apply to all active LPA projects that have not been issued an A-Date or Notice to Proceed for right of way acquisition: 

  • A detailed right of way acquisition schedule (Form EPG must be established by the LPA, or its consultant, & reviewed by MoDOT prior to being granted a notice to proceed or an A-Date.   We’ve also created an instructions sheet (Form EPG for how to complete the form and establish each completion date for the schedule.
  •  The following changes have also been made to the Acquisition Authority Request form (Form 136.8.1):
    • The LPA will identify “Who will be responsible for negotiating the right of way”
    • MoDOT will identify the “MoDOT Right of Way Employee assigned to this project”
  • MoDOT Right of Way Staff will call the LPA’s person who is responsible for the right of way negotiations before an A-Date or NTP is issued to help kick off the acquisition process, & help identify any potential road blocks.  The main focus of this call is to build / strengthen relationships between MoDOT’s RW staff & the LPA’s. We’re hoping this will help you feel more comfortable calling MoDOT when you have a right of way related problem or a question.
  • Once a right of way schedule is established & a notice to proceed is issued for the project, MoDOT will ensure the LPA is progressing through the process in accordance with the schedule established.  This means, if &/or when the time comes to file a condemnation petition, the LPA’s will be required to do so. This doesn’t mean negotiations have to stop at this point, it’s just leading the project into the next step of the process.  Many times we’ve found that as soon as the petition was filed, property owners decided to settle.

If you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact your MoDOT District LPA contact person.  Here is a link to the contact person in your district:

Posted  3/23/15



Eastern Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Call for Projects Alert

Federal Highway Administration Eastern Federal Lands (EFL) will be accepting Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) applications in order to develop a four year program of projects for Fiscal Years (FY) 2015 through FY2018. Project approvals will be contingent upon availability of funds.  EFL will be accepting project applications from the following Midwestern states: Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois Indiana and Ohio.  The call for projects opens November 15, 2014 and runs through February 15, 2015. Applications should be submitted via email to by February 15, 2015.

More Information

Posted 1/16/15


2015 Traffic Engineering Assistance Program Award Announcement!


The LPA Program is pleased to announce the FY2015 TEAP Project Awards.

The Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) allows local public agencies (LPA) to receive engineering assistance for studying traffic engineering problems. LPAs awarded TEAP funding for a traffic safety or operational problem must utilize the LPA On-Call Consultant List to perform the traffic study.

All project sponsors who submitted an application will be receiving an official email over the next week or so informing you of the application status. 


2015 TEAP List of Funded Projects


Local public agencies are reimbursed for eligible project costs at a rate of 80 percent with the local agency providing a 20-percent match.  Funds administered by MoDOT will provide 80 percent of the TEAP project costs, up to $8,000 per project. If the total cost is greater than $10,000, the local agency can pay more than 20 percent to complete the TEAP project, if desired.

Eligible projects must be able to be completed by fall of 2015.

Posted 1/2/15


Notification - LPA On-Call Consultant List

Local Agencies,

The LPA On-Call Consultant List has been updated following the recent LPA On-Call Consultant solicitation.  The LPA On-Call Consultant List was created through a qualifications based selection process.  MoDOT together with Missouri’s Local Program Advisory Panel managed the consultant review and selections. 

  • LPA On-Call Consultant List
  • LPA Contact Information regarding consultant selections
  • DBE Goals – DBE goals will not be set on individual projects that utilize the on-call consultant list.  Consultants will be expected to use DBE subconsultants on these contracts to meet the statewide goal of 13.49%.  This programmatic approach is an opportunity for consultants to use innovative ways to meet this goal.  If the local program fails to meet the 13.49% goal, MoDOT will consider setting goals on each individual contract.
  • For more information on how to utilize the LPA On-Call Consultant List, see EPG

Posted 12/31/14



Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) Funding Now Available

Application period 9/17/2014 through 11/14/2014

The Missouri Department of Transportation is seeking projects that could be funded with Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) funds.

The Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP) allows local public agencies (LPA) to receive engineering assistance for studying traffic engineering problems. LPAs facing a traffic safety or operational problem can utilize the LPA On-Call Consultant List to perform a traffic study.

Typical traffic engineering related projects include:  corridor safety and/or operational analysis, intersection(s) safety and/or operational analysis, speed limit review, sign inventory, pedestrian/bike route analysis, parking issues, and other traffic studies, etc.

Local public agencies are reimbursed for eligible project costs at a rate of 80 percent with the local agency providing a 20-percent match.  Funds administered by MoDOT will provide 80 percent of the TEAP project costs, up to $8,000 per project. If the total cost is greater than $10,000, the local agency can pay more than 20 percent to complete the TEAP project, if desired.

Eligible projects must be able to be completed by fall of 2015.

Applications are due November 14, 2014 to the district LPA staff, with selected projects to be announced in January 2015.

For more information and applications, visit TEAP

For details on how to apply and the application process, please contact your local MoDOT LPA person:

Posted 9/12/14


Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Funding Now Available

The Missouri Department of Transportation is seeking rural projects, outside of the St. Louis, Kansas City and Springfield metropolitan areas, that could be funded with Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funds.  Urban projects inside the St. Louis, Kansas City and Springfield metropolitan areas will be selected for TAP funds through a separate competitive process.

Transportation Alternatives funds are federal funds available to local public agencies for transportation related projects including, but not limited to, the construction of sidewalks, trails and bike lanes, landscaping and to make ADA improvements to existing sidewalks. Local public agencies are reimbursed for eligible project costs at a rate of 80 percent with the local agency providing a 20 percent match.  Eligible projects must be able to begin construction on or before spring 2016. Applications are due November 14, 2014, with selected projects to be announced in January 2015.  Transportation Alternatives Guidelines and Applications for each district are available on MoDOT's website at  

For more information contact Local Programs Administrator Kenny Voss at 573-526-2924. 

Posted 9/4/14



Highway Trust Fund Shortfall Update

Update on Congressional Action Regarding the Federal Highway Trust Fund and MAP-21 

Posted 8/12/14


TIGER Funding Announcement

President Obama, DOT Secretary Foxx Announce $600 Million for Sixth Round of TIGER Funding

Posted 2/27/14


Notification - LPA On-Call Consultant List

Local Agencies,

Beginning today, February 24, 2014, the new LPA On-Call Consultant List is available for your use.  The LPA On-Call Consultant List was created through a qualifications based selection process.  The process was administered by MoDOT and quality assurance was provided by Missouri ACEC and Missouri FHWA.  MoDOT together with Missouri’s Local Program Advisory Panel managed the consultant review and selections. 

  • LPA On-Call Consultant ListEffective  Monday, February 24, 2014
  • LPA Contact Information regarding consultant selections
  • DBE Goals – DBE goals will not be set on individual projects that utilize the on-call consultant list.  Consultants will be expected to use DBE subconsultants on these contracts to meet the statewide goal of 13.49%.  This programmatic approach is an opportunity for consultants to use innovative ways to meet this goal.  If the local program fails to meet the 13.49% goal, MoDOT will consider setting goals on each individual contract.
  • For more information on how to utilize the LPA On-Call Consultant List, see EPG

Posted 2/24/14


LPA Statewide Advisory Committee Selection

MoDOT is proud to announce it has selected eight new members from around the state to serve on the Statewide LPA Advisory Committee. The committee members will be asked to contribute to the development of policies, improve communication and influence the overall direction of Missouri's local program.  The new members are as follows:


Rodney Bollinger

City of Jackson

Jason Lange

East West Gateway Council of Governments

Bob Burnett

Snyder & Associates

Steve Meyer

City of Clayton

Paul Koeper

Cape Girardeau County

Jason Dohrmann

HR Green

Dennis Randolph

City of Grandview

Gary Strack

Shafer, Kline & Warren Inc.

The entire list of advisory committee members and contact information can be found on this website at LPA Advisory Committee.

Posted 2/10/14



Important - Updated January 2014 MoDOT SWPPP

Posted 2/3/14


2014 Training Dates

2014 LPA Basic Training Opportunities and Certification Renewal Information

Posted 1/23/14


2014 Uniform Act Low Income Limits Issued

The 2014 URA Low Income Limits, used in connection with rental assistance payment calculations under 49 CFR 24.402(b), have been issued with an effective date of December 18, 2013. The 2014 Low Income Limit tables and guidance are available at: All income calculations made on or after December 18, 2013 must use the 2014 tables.

Please Note: The HUD Low Income Limits provide the flexibility for the Agency to round the income results for families of 8 or more to either the nearest $50 or to use the actual number. Whichever method the Agency chooses should be applied consistently. The FAQ available on the link provides an example of the flexibility.

For any questions concerning this, please contact Mary Jane Daluge by telephone at (202) 366-2035 or by email at, or your Office of Real Estate Services point of contact.

Posted 1/8/14


Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Call for Projects - Second Extension of Deadline

The Programming Decision Committee has decided to extend the call for projects deadline to November 4, 2013.

This action is taken in the interest of fairness to all impacted applicants for projects during the partial federal shutdown.

Posted 10/22/13


Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Call for Projects - Extension of Deadline

Due to the recent issues impacting the federal government workforce, some of the Federal Land Management Agency partners have not been able to contribute to the Federal Lands Access Program application process since October 1, 2013. We don't know when the federal issues will be resolved.

Therefore, the Programming Decision Committee has decided to extend the call for projects deadline until October 31, 2013.

Additional future extensions may also be considered.

Posted 10/15/13


Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Call for Projects

The Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division of the Federal Highway Administration will be issuing a call for projects and accepting applications for the Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) - August 15 through October 15, 2013. Any state, local or tribal government entity is eligible to apply for the funds. Please click here for more information.

Please note that the application form is required and must be submitted electronically to the Eastern Federal Lands, Access Program Manager at by close of business October 15, 2013.

Thank you.

Posted 8/14/13




Lessons Learned from the TIGER Discretionary Grant Program

Click here for more information. Thank you.

Posted 5/3/13 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Notice of Funding Availability of 2013 TIGER Discretionary Grants

This notice announces the availability of funding and requests proposals for the Department of Transportation's National Infrastructure Investments. This notice is addressed to organizations that are interested in applying and provides guidance on selection criteria and application requirements for the National Infrastructure Investments.

Click here for more information. Thank you.

Posted 4/26/13 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Updated Engineering Services Contract

The newly updated engineering services contract has been posted to the LPA Manual.  It can be found in Chapter 4 - Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management (EPG 136.4).  The contract updates were necessary to keep it compliant with the federal regulations.  Click here to start utilizing this version.  Thank you.

Posted 02/04/2013



Upcoming webinar opportunities in connection with FY2013 TIGER Application process. This fifth round of USDOT TIGER funding in the amount of $474 million will help increase mobility--for people and for freight.

Please join the U.S. Department of Transportation for a series of online webinars on the FY 2013 TIGER application process. There are no registration fees for these sessions, however space is limited so advance registration is required. Register for the webinars by clicking on the webinar topics listed below:

May 3rd 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EDT        TIGER 2013 Application Preparation Guidance Seminar

May 6th 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM EDT        TIGER 2013 Benefit Cost Analysis Guidance Seminar


The FY 2013 Appropriations Act appropriated $473.847 million to be awarded by DOT for the TIGER Discretionary Grants program. Like previous rounds, the FY 2013 TIGER Discretionary Grants are for capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure and are to be awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant impact on the Nation, a metropolitan area, or a region. Larger projects of national or regional significance which DOT determines demonstrate achievement of several of the strategic goals, as well as the project readiness criterion, could be considered for grants larger than those typically awarded in recent rounds of TIGER. View a copy of the full Notice of Funding Availability. ***More information about the TIGER program can be found at Prospective applicants are encouraged to look through Frequently Asked Questions, webinars and other guidance at the Application Resources page.

Posted 5/3/13


2012 SRTS Project Award Announcement!

After combing through over 150 Safe Routes to School (SRTS) applications totaling more than $28 Million; the Statewide SRTS Advisory Committee is proud to announce project awards

for FY 2012 and FY 2013.  All project sponsors who submitted an application will be receiving an official letter over the next week or so informing you of the application status. 

Please click the link below to view the list of funded projects:

2012 Safe Routes to School Funded Projects List

Infrastructure Alternates – While Missouri only has $5 Million in SRTS funding available, the SRTS committee identified $1.5 Million in project alternates to be awarded should additional funding become available for any reason (project under runs, cancellations, ect.) before the next call for projects. 

The alternates are listed in priority order.  If money were to become available, we would inform the 1st alternate project sponsor that money is available for their project, then the 2nd, the 3rd, and so on.   If no additional money becomes available, alternate projects will not be funded and they would have to compete again during the next funding round.


2012 Transportation Enhancement Funding Now Available

The Missouri Department of Transportation is seeking projects that could be funded with federal “Transportation Enhancement” funds.

Transportation Enhancement funds are federal funds available to local public agencies for transportation related projects including, but not limited to, the construction of sidewalks, trails and bike lanes, landscaping and to make ADA improvements to existing sidewalks.

Local public agencies are reimbursed for eligible project costs at a rate of 80 percent with the local agency providing a 20 percent match. Eligible projects must be able to begin construction on or before Spring 2014.

Applications are due November 5, 2012, with selected projects to be announced by January 7, 2013.

For more information and applications, visit

Consultant Invoicing Requirements

There is a clarification in the EPG dated 8/22/12 on consultant invoicing requirements. As you all are aware we are requiring the use of our template invoice for consultants. The question came up about what the requirements were for sub-consultants. Listed below will be the new language provided in the EPG.

The invoice template MUST be used for prime consultant invoices. Sub-consultants who have a contract with the prime that is greater than $25,000 must either use the invoice template or provide all information that is listed in this invoice template to be considered acceptable.

We strongly encourage the use of the invoice template for those sub-consultants with contracts in excess of $25,000 to ensure invoices contain the all the information that is required for reimbursement and to avoid sending invoices back for correction.

2012 Discretionary Grant Awards

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has announced the award of 2012 Discretionary Grant projects. Missouri was awarded 13 projects totally $7,176,609 as shown in the link below:

Please contact your local district contact if you have any questions.


MoDOT & LPA Engineering Consultant Invoicing Requirements

The new LPA and MoDOT engineering consultant invoices are now required to be used. This requirement went into effect July 1, 2012. MoDOT has developed an Excel version of the invoice to replace the old Word version that was previously used. The new versions are currently available on MoDOT's website and can be found as listed below:

Title Invoice Checklist Location on MoDOT's Website
MoDOT Consultant Invoice Fig. Fig. EPG 134
MoDOT On-Call/Hourly Rate Invoice Fig. Fig. EPG 134
LPA Consultant Invoice Fig. 136.4.10 Fig. 136.4.18 EPG 136/LPA Manual Chapter 4

CLARIFICATION: For all existing contracts that have been previously invoiced (prior to July 1, 2012), the consultant only needs to show information on the current phase of the contract in the Progress Report section of the invoice. For example (see example below), if a consultant has completed preliminary plans, right of way plans, final plans, and is currently working on construction inspection; the invoice only needs to show the history on the construction inspection phase since that is the current phase of work.

For all new contracts that have not been previously invoiced (as of July 1, 2012), all information in the invoice must be filled out.

EXAMPLE (for existing projects only): Section 4: Progress Report - % Complete & DBE


Total Costs (includes Salaries, Sub-Consultants & Direct Costs)

Task Total Budgeted Total Expended to Date Percent Expended (Budgeted/Expended) Estimate % Task Complete (Deliverables)
Task 1-Preliminary Plans completed n/a n/a n/a
Task 2-Right of Ways Plans completed n/a n/a n/a
Task 3-Final Plans completed n/a n/a n/a
Task 4-Constructions Inspection $35,000 $17,300 49.34% 60%


$35,000 $17,300 n/a n/a

If you have any questions, you may contact Sandra Riley at 573-522-2002 or Jerica Holtsclaw at 573-526-8484.


MoDOT Debuts New Local Public Agency Manual

JEFFERSON CITY - The Missouri Department of Transportation has released a new Local Public Agency Manual for transportation. The manual is used by local public agencies to ensure their compliance with federal funding requirements from the earliest concept phase of a project through its completion.

The manual, which lives online within MoDOT's Engineering Policy Guide, was developed in concert with the Federal Highway Administration, local agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, consultants and industry. Improvements include easier-to-read text, handy checklists and flowcharts. See the manual...

Please click here to review the one-page flyer indicating the substantial changes to the LPA Manual.

LPA Statewide Advisory Committee Selection

MoDOT has selected twelve members from around the state to serve on the Statewide LPA Advisory Committee. The committee members will be asked to contribute to the development of policies, improve communication and influence the overall direction of Missouri's local program. The primary objective of the advisory committee over the next year is to help with the implementation of the LPA Strategic Vision Team recommendations. Please find below the list of LPA Advisory Committee Members: LPA Advisory Committee Members

LPA Strategic Vision Team

The Missouri Department of Transportation formed a Local Public Agency Strategic Vision Team to develop a statewide vision for Missouri's local program.

LPA Strategic Vision Team Documents:

LPA Partnering for Innovative Efficiencies (PIE) Documents:


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