Commission Awards Contracts for Southeast District Projects

Aug. 5, 2009

SIKESTON - The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded a contract during its regular meeting today to add edgeline rumble strips to 11 routes in the Southeast district.  The $934,818 contract was awarded to Penhall Company, Rogers, Minn.  

            The project includes installing edgeline rumble strips on 11 routes throughout Bollinger, Butler, Cape Girardeau, Dunklin, Madison, Mississippi, Wayne, Pemiscot, Perry, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Scott, Stoddard and New Madrid counties.  Improvements will be made to the following routes: I-55, I-155, US 61, Business 60, MO 32, US 67, US 412, MO 34, MO 25, US 60 and MO 84. 

            Work could begin as early as September 2009.  As work is in progress on two lane routes, traffic will be reduced to one lane with up to 15 minute delays. 

            The project is expected to be completed by November 2010. 

            Work zones will be marked with signs as work is underway.  Drivers are urged to use extreme caution near the work zone and plan for possible delays.  MoDOT will alert drivers prior to any change in traffic.           

For more information, contact Resident Engineer Darius Dowdy at (573) 243-0899, Transportation Project Designer Tim Pickett at (573) 472-6599 or MoDOT's Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636). 


Links to related information: Commission News Release Archive

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