Commission Awards Contracts for Southeast District Projects

Sept. 1, 2010

SIKESTON - The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded contracts for Southeast District projects during its regular meeting on Sept. 1. Awarded contracts included pavement improvements, bridge improvements, wetlands mitigation and removal of Steele Rest Areas.

Projects awarded include:

  • A $1,850,987 contract was awarded to Magruder Paving, LLC, Troy, Mo., for improvements to various minor routes in Butler County. The project includes a thin lift overlay on 48.97 miles of pavement including Routes AA and NN in Butler County, Route U in Butler and Stoddard Counties, Route J in Stoddard County, and Route C in Pemiscot County.
  • A $267,334 contract was awarded to H. R. Quadri Contactors, LLC, Van Buren, Mo., for construction of a wetlands mitigation area on Corp of Engineers maintained property in Wayne County. The project includes constructing a wetlands mitigation area near Route F at Holliday Landing, 4 miles east of Route 67 in Wayne County, and a second wetlands mitigation area between west of Greenville off of the Military Road.  
  • A $244,208 contract was awarded to H. R. Quadri Contactors, LLC, Van Buren, Mo., for bridge work and culvert replacement on Routes 91 and C in Bollinger County. The project includes replacing the railing on the bridge over Dry Creek south of Route 51, near Dongola, Mo. The project also includes replacing a culvert on Route C in Bollinger County, located near Route 51.
  • A $213,937 contract was awarded to H. R. Quadri Contactors, LLC, Van Buren, Mo., for improvements to County Road 218 in Madison County. The project includes grading and paving County Road 218 in Madison County. This route will be used as a temporary bypass as work to replace the Route 67 interchange at Route 72 is completed next spring.
  • A $172,939 contract was awarded to Robertson Contractors, Inc., Poplar Bluff, Mo., for removal of the existing rest areas on Interstate 55 near Steele, Mo. The project includes removing the north and sound bound rest areas near Steele, Mo., converting both locations to truck parking.

For more information, contact MoDOT's Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636). 

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Links to related information: Commission News Release Archive

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