Counties Impacted
Route Impacted
Work Type
Corridor Upgrades
In Progress

Design upgrades are necessary to support the more than 7,000 vehicles that use the two-lane stretch of Missouri Route 52 in Versailles from Fairgrounds Road to the outdated signalized junction with Missouri Route 5. The Lake of the Ozarks Council of Local Governments and the city of Versailles worked with MoDOT to design improvements to reduce congestion and address flooding concerns along the corridor.


Planning, Design, and Right of Way Acquisition Phase

MoDOT designed improvements to reduce congestion by adding a center turn lane, address flooding issues by replacing existing box culverts with larger structures, and upgrade the outdated intersection at Route 52 and Route 5 in Versailles to a roundabout. Public input initiated multiple changes to the preliminary designs, including:

  • Increasing the size and layout of the roundabout to better accommodate oversized vehicles, large trucks, farm equipment, etc.
  • Allowing for future expansion of the roundabout by adding right-turn lanes, if needed.
  • Using concrete, not asphalt, for the roundabout pavement for a longer life with fewer maintenance issues.
  • Adding an additional entrance to the school to improve traffic flow during drop-off and pick-up.
  • Extending the limits of the overlay.

This project requires right-of-way acquisition and some temporary easements, which are currently under negotiation with affected property owners.

The estimated cost for this work is $2.93 million. This cost may change.

Public Input
Comment period: March 22 – April 5, 2022.

Public Meeting

A public meeting was held Thursday, March 31, 2022, at the Morgan County Library, located at 600 North Hunter Street in Versailles. Attendees were able to view the design proposal, ask questions of the project team, and submit comments. Comments were also accepted online and by mail.

Meeting Exhibits

At the link below, find the preliminary plans, right-of-way map, intersection comparison graphic, and roundabout use graphic presented at the in-person meeting.

Project Letting, Award, and Notice to Proceed

As part of their June 2024 meeting, the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded a $5,041,329.32 contract for this work. At that time the contractor was given a July 8, 2024, notice to proceed date - the earliest date they could begin work - and a Nov. 1, 2025, completion date.

In Progress
Project Construction and Traffic Impacts

Construction began in January 2025 with the widening of Route 52. Route 52 will remain open during this work but will have daytime lane closures for approximately three months. Short segments of Route 52 will have one lane closed between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. One lane will remain open and flaggers will guide motorists through the work zone.


Meeting Materials

Preliminary Plans

View a copy of the preliminary designs plans for improving Route 52 in Versailles from Fairgrounds Road to the outdated signalized junction with Route 5, as presented at the March 2022 public meeting.

Right-of-Way Map

View an aerial image outlining the right of way requirements associated with the preliminary plans, as presented at the public meeting in March 2022.

Additional Materials

Also presented at the March 2022 public meeting was graphics comparing potential conflict points of roundabout with standard signalized intersections and how to use a roundabout.


What improvements are being planned?

The current two-lane section of Route 52 through Versailles will be expanded to three lanes, providing one lane of travel in each direction with a shared center turn lane. This project also includes replacing existing culverts with larger structures to address flooding concerns and removing the outdated signal at the Route 5/52 junction and installing a roundabout.

Route 52 from Fairgrounds Road to the Route 5 junction does not adequately support the more than 7,000 vehicles that use the stretch of highway daily. Additionally, the signal at the Route 52/5 junction is outdated and improvements are necessary to address flooding.

Signalized intersections have approximately 20-30 conflict points (spots where vehicles could collide) while roundabouts have eight. Fewer conflict points, combined with slower speeds and calmer traffic, can translate into as much as 76% fewer crashes. Additionally, compared to a signalized intersection, roundabouts cost less each year in maintenance and have a long lifespan. More information on roundabouts: Roundabouts | Missouri Department of Transportation

Construction is currently scheduled to begin in early January 2025and be completed in November 2025.

MoDOT is working to acquire the necessary right of way and temporary easements for this work.

Route 52 and Route 5 will remain open throughout construction, but the work will require lane shifts, temporary lane closures, narrowed lanes, and potentially some overnight lane closures.

You may email or call us at 888 ASK MODOT (1-888-275-6636). Please reference Route 52 Highway Widening and Intersection Improvements in Versailles on your inquiries.

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