Districts Impacted
The current intersection of Missouri Route 87 and Moniteau County Route C has a long history of fatal and serious injury crashes that have continued despite the implementation of several traffic control safety measures. Engineers with the Missouri Department of Transportation are evaluating and designing options to reconfigure this intersection to improve safety for the traveling public.
On average, 1,176 vehicles per day use Route 87 north of the intersection and 1,001 vehicles per day use Route 87 south of the intersection while 1,895 vehicles per day use Route C west of the intersection and 1,694 vehicles per day use Route C east of the intersection.
Every five years, since 2002, this intersection has averaged 12 crashes with at least one resulting in a fatality or serious injury - and the number of crashes is increasing. In just the past five years, the intersection has seen one crash that resulted in two fatalities, one serious injury crash, and 12 other crashes with minor or no injuries.
MoDOT has made several safety improvements to the intersection in an attempt to reduce crashes and the severity of those crashes. The traffic control improvements made include:
- Stop ahead warning signs.
- Crossroad warning signs.
- Interactive warning flasher for Route 87 motorists.
- Constant red flasher for Route C motorists.
- Improved sight distance by clearing the right of way.
- Rumble strips on Route C.
Implemented over the past 13 years, these measures have not been effective - and severe crashes are increasing. MoDOT is now considering ways to improve safety through a reconfigured intersection.
The goal of a new intersection design is to reduce the number and severity of crashes. After evaluating potential maintenance requirements, traffic patterns, location, and cost associated with various options, an intersection without a signal was recommended. Preliminary plans focus on a roundabout. At this time, improvements are anticipated to begin in 2025.
By commenting, questioning, and providing community insight, the public’s input is essential in helping to guide the design and construction process. MoDOT will be holding a public meeting in early 2024 to gather feedback, suggestions, and comments on the project.
MoDOT is looking at potential safety improvements in the design of the intersection of Routes 87 and C in Moniteau County.
Changes will require right-of-way acquisition.
The community and interested parties had multiple avenues to learn about potential design improvements to the intersection and submit input and ask questions during the comment period that ran Feb. 1 – 27, 2024:
- In person - An open-house style public meeting was held Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at High Point School, located at 60909 State Highway C in High Point where the project team was on hand to answer questions, provide information, and receive input about the project. There was be no formal presentation, so attendees came and went as they pleased at any time during the advertised hours.
- Online. All meeting exhibits were available on this website and feedback was able to be submitted through an online form.
- By email – Feedback was able to be sent to CDCR@modot.mo.gov with the subject line: Moniteau County Intersection Improvement Project.
- By traditional mail – Comments were accepted by mail to Missouri Department of Transportation, 1511 Missouri Boulevard, Jefferson City, MO 65109. Please reference: Moniteau County Intersection Improvement Project.
As part of their January 2025 meeting, the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded a $1,467,994.56 contract for this work to S & A Equipment & Builders, LLC.
Improvements to the intersection are expected to begin in 2025, subject to change. As of January 2024, the preliminary designs allow all roads to remain open during construction, though some lane closures, narrowed lanes, and turning restrictions may be necessary.
Meeting Materials
News and Updates
Comment period extended for Route 87, Route C intersection improvements
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo – The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) has added information to the project’s webpage and has extended the comment period on proposed improvements to the intersection of Missouri Route 87 and Moniteau County Route C. P...
Input sought on Route 87, Route C intersection improvements in Moniteau County
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo – The current intersection of Missouri Route 87 and Moniteau County Route C has a long history of fatal and serious injury crashes that have continued despite the implementation of several traffic control safety measures. The...
Roundabouts are a one-way non-signalized intersection shown to significantly reduce fatal crashes while having a longer lifespan and lower yearly maintenance costs than a signalized intersection.
Quick facts all about roundabouts:
- The angle of entry into a roundabout reduces the likelihood of right-angle, left-turn, and head-on crashes.
- Compared to a signalized intersection, roundabouts reduce all crashes by 39%, injury crashes by 76%, and fatal crashes by 89% (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety).
- Vehicle stoppage and delay are reduced by 56% and 89%, respectively, with a roundabout.
- On average, MoDOT spends $5,000-$10,000 more per year for maintenance and utilities on an intersection with a signal than for a roundabout.
- Roundabouts are not subject to power outage issues or weather events and have a significantly longer lifespan than that of a typical traffic signal.
More information on roundabouts: Roundabouts | Missouri Department of Transportation
Why are intersection improvements necessary?
A history of high-severity crashes that has continued despite the implementation of several traffic control safety measures prompted MoDOT to explore reconfiguring the intersection to improve safety. On average, at the intersection of Route 87 and Route C, there are 12 crashes with one resulting in a fatal or serious injury every 5 years – and the number of crashes is increasing.
Why a roundabout and not a signal?
Traffic patterns, location, cost, potential maintenance requirements, and additional factors played a role in the recommendation for a non-signalized intersection. Roundabouts increase safety, reduce yearly maintenance costs, and have a longer lifespan when compared to a standard signalized intersection.
Will trucks and agricultural equipment be able to use the roundabout?
The preliminary design for the roundabout at Route 87 and Route C takes into account the need for large vehicles to maneuver through the intersection. The current design – 80-foot center diameter, 150-foot outer diameter, and 18-foot circulatory roadway width – will accommodate large tractor-trailers and agricultural equipment, and a 17-foot truck apron will be incorporated to aid larger commercial vehicles.
How would construction impact traffic?
As of January 2024, the preliminary designs allow all roads to remain open during construction, though some lane closures, narrowed lanes, and turning restrictions may be necessary.
When would the improvements take place?
Improvements to the intersection are expected to begin in 2025, subject to change.
What if I have further questions?
You may email cdcr@modot.mo.gov or call us at 888 ASK MODOT (1-888-275-6636). Please reference Missouri Route 87 and Route C Intersection Improvements in Moniteau County on your inquiries.
How can I stay updated on the project’s progress?
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