Project Milestones

Traffic shift to take place, Jan. 2024

Crews will shift northbound U.S. 169 traffic from the existing bridge to one of the newly constructed river bridges on approximately by the end of January 2024.

This traffic shift will allow for crews to begin work on demolishing the existing bridge and finishing work on the second river bridge structure.

Crews re-open SB I-35 ramp to I-70

Crews re-opened southbound I-35 ramp at westbound I-70 on Jan. 5.

Crews re-open ramp from NB I-35 to WB I-70 

Crews  re-opened the ramp going from NB I-35 to WB I-70 on Friday, May 5.

Crews re-open northbound I-35

Crews re-opened northbound I-35 between 12th Street and I-70 on December 14, 2022. The northbound I-35 ramp to westbound I-70 remains closed.

Northbound I-35 closure for 275 days

Crews with the Buck O'Neil Bridge replacement project made the following traffic changes as part of the new Buck O'Neil Bridge:

  • Crews closed northbound I-35 from 12th St. to eastbound I-70, beginning Monday, March 7 for approximately 275 days for the construction of a new retaining wall along I-35 and for a new bridge over 6th St.   
  • Crews closed northbound I-35 to westbound I-70, beginning Monday, March for approximately 275 days for bridge rehabilitation work.
  • Crews closed the ramp from westbound I-670 to 12th St., beginning Monday, March 7 for approximately 275 days for bridge demolition work.
  • Crews closed northbound lanes of Beardsley Rd. to 6th St., beginning Tuesday, March 8.


Crews break ground on new Buck O'Neil Bridge

A groundbreaking ceremony was held for the Buck O'Neil Bridge replacement on June 23, 2021.


Project Update 2/03/2021: Massman-Clarkson selected as the design-build team to replace the Buck O'Neil Bridge


Construction is anticipated to start in late fall of 2021 and be fully complete by late fall of 2024  

Massman-Clarkson competed against two other design-build teams (American Bridge and Traylor-Ames) both of whom had local and national experience. Their dynamic project proposal demonstrated a design that would be the best value for the City of Kansas City, which made them the top choice.

The Massman-Clarkson team includes the following firms: Massman Co., Clarkson Construction Co. and HNTB Corporation, all of which are from Kansas City.

The new Missouri River Bridge will cost close to $220 million dollars to construct and will provide a safe, connective and accessible transportation facility that improves regional and local system performance.  

The new bridge will provide a direct connection between US Route 169 to Interstate 35. 


Project Update 8/14/2020: A list of qualified design-build teams have been determined to compete to build the new Buck O'Neil Bridge 

After an extensive and exhaustive evaluation process, the Missouri Department of Transportation has developed a list of qualified design-build teams to compete for the contract to build a new U.S. Route 169 Buck O’Neil Bridge.

Each of the teams come from a diverse mix of experienced local and national companies who submitted exceptional proposals.

The following teams (in no particular order) were selected to further develop their proposals on the project:

  • American Bridge/Parsons Team
  • Lunda Construction Co.
  • Massman-Clarkson, a joint venture
  • Traylor Ames Joint Venture
  • The Walsh Design-Build Team

From this group, the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission will select a best-value proposer to deliver the project. The selection is expected in February 2021, with construction beginning later that year.


Project Update 8/6/2020: An Updated Industry Meeting Power Point Presentation

Click here to view 


Project Update 8/3/2020: An Updated RFQ 

Click here to view the amended RFQ 


Project Update 7/23/2020: Industry Meeting Video and Meeting Power Point 

Click here to view video of the Industry Meeting 

Click here to view the RFQ Power Point 

For any clarification regarding the RFQ, please submit here, Request for Clarification 


Project Update 7/22/2020: Important Forms for Industry Contractors 

The following are Design-Build forms which potential companies will need to submit SOQs (Statement of Qualifications). Also included is an attendance list of all of those who took part in the Industry Meeting. 

DB-101 Major Participant Info 

DB-102 Reference Project Summary 

DB-103 Resume Summary 

DB-104 Receipt of Addenda 

DB-105 Conflict of Interest 

DB-110 Com of Key Person 

DB-802 Debarment - Suspension 

Registration Information 


Project Update 7/21/2020: RFQ Meeting

Click here to view the RFQ


Project Update 7/16/2020: Virtual Information Presentation 

The Missouri Department of Transportation will host a virtual information presentation, which is scheduled at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, July 21, 2020. Here is the link to the meeting.

Registration is required upon entering the meeting. At a later date, a recording of the meeting will be available at the project website. 


Project Update 7/7/2020: Draft RFQ Information

The draft RFQ for the Buck O’Neil Bridge Design-Build project is now available for informational purposes only.  It is anticipated that the final RFQ will be released after the industry meeting on July 21st, 2020.   Please send any comments on the Draft RFQ to  No clarifications on details of the draft RFQ will be answered at this time. 

Click here to see the Draft RFQ  


Project Update 7/6/2020:Request for Design Build Services Letters of Interest for the US 169 Bridge over the Missouri River.

The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is soliciting Letters of Interest from companies

interested in providing design-build services for the John Jordan “Buck” O’Neil Memorial Bridge

(formerly the Broadway Bridge), that carries US 169 over the Missouri River and connects

downtown Kansas City and communities north of the river in Jackson and Platte Counties.

MoDOT intends to replace the 100-year-old existing Buck O’Neil Bridge and make improvements to the US 169 corridor. The anticipated improvements include replacing the existing Missouri River bridge, improving traffic operations, geometrics, and safety and bike/pedestrian/transit accessibility along US 169, including direct connections from I-35 to US 169. One design-build team will be selected to design and construct the project. In addition to design and construction, other project elements such as right-of-way acquisition, quality management and environmental management may be included as part of the design-build contract.

A virtual information presentation is scheduled at 10 a.m., Tuesday July 21st, 2020. A link to the meeting will be available on the project website, It is anticipated the Request for Qualifications will be released on the same day as the presentation.

Firms interested in receiving project information should send a one-page Letter of Interest to MoDOT by registered mail or similar delivery method that indicates proof of receipt, no later than Wednesday, July 15th, 2020, to ensure that you receive all information. The Letters of Interest will allow MoDOT to compile a list of interested companies for notices and any announcements relating to the project.

Address all letters to: Mary Miller, P.E

Project Director

Missouri Department of Transportation

 600 N.E. Colbern Road, Lees Summit, MO 64086


Note: Include in your Letter of Interest, the company name and a contact person at your company, address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail. If your firm is a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), indicate with which local or state agencies you are certified. Note: the authority to complete this project using Design-Build procurement is contingent upon MHTC approval in February 2021.

Project Update 5/29/2020: Covid-19 Impacts 

  • Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the procurement schedule for the Buck O’Neil Bridge Design-Build project has been revised. The RFQ/Industry meeting has been moved to July 2020, the RFP release is still scheduled for August and the award is currently still set for February 2021.  Moving the RFQ release to July allows for a better picture of MoDOT’s revenue going forward due to Covid 19 impacts.  The schedule below is tentative based on those revenue projections.
  • Project Advertisement:  July 6th, 2020
  • RFQ/Industry meeting:  July 21st, 2020
  • SOQ shortlist:  August 2020
  • RFP:  August 2020
  • Award:  February 2021
  • Project Update: 5/26/2020 Environmental Assessment as reached a conclusion
    • MoDOT and the City of Kansas City, Missouri, partnered with the Federal Highway Administration to assess the impact of roadway improvements and bridge replacement to the natural and built environment along the US 169/I-35 corridor from MO 9 to 12th Street.  

      The Environmental Assessment concluded with a finding of No Significant Impact, commonly known as a FONSI.  The proposed Buck O’Neil project will also impact the airport property, so the Federal Aviation Administration has issued a separate FONSI/Record of Decision (ROD) for the Downtown Airport property. 

    • The US 169/Buck O’Neil bridge environmental study began in early fall 2018, but the environmental analysis in the corridor began with the Planning Environmental Linkages study managed by the City of Kansas City and Mid-America Regional Council.  The information and data from the PEL fed into the Environmental study. 

Project update: 05/19/20: Early Release Information

  • For those consultants/contractors wanting to know early release, technical design-build information regarding the  Buck O'Neil Bridge Project, you can request access by replying to the email group listed below. You will then be directed to an external website.

Project Update 4/28/20: Important Dates

  • Updated Draft Procurement Schedule:

    Project Advertisement:  May 19th, 2020

    RFQ/Industry meeting:  June 19th, 2020

    SOQ shortlist:  July 2020

    RFP:  August 2020

    Award:  February 2021

Project Update 3/9/2020: Important Project Goals and Dates

  • Draft Project Goals:

    • Construct an innovative, low-maintenance Missouri River Bridge that will provide a century of service within the program budget.

    • Provide a safe, connective and accessible transportation facility that improves regional and local system performance.

    • Manage the impact to the travelling public during construction.

    • Complete the project by December 1, 2024, utilizing a diverse workforce.

Draft Procurement Schedule: 

Advertise to industry:  April 28th, 2020

RFQ/Industry Meeting: May 29th, 2020 

  • Shortlist: Early July 

  • RFP: Late July/Early August 

  • Award: February 2021

Update 2/24/2020: Public Hearing Scheduled for March 10

The Missouri Department of Transportation hosted a public hearing with a focus on the Buck O'Neil Environmental Assessment Study (EA) Study. The study identifies the Buck O'Neil Bridge preferred alternative and the associated environmental impacts of the bridge project. The hearing took place from 4 p.m until 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10, in the lobby of the Mid-America Regional Council office building, located at 600 Broadway Blvd., in Kansas City, MO. 

Citizens were be able to review the Preferred Alternative and ask the study team questions and provide feedback by submitting a comment card in writing. 

The Mid-America Regional Council is handicap accessible. For those in need of accommodations such as sign language, braille or foreign language interpreters, please contact MoDOT at least three working days before the event.   

The study's purpose is to investigate and identify improvements for maintaining the infrastructure in the study corridor, creating a system that serves local and regional traffic and improve safety in the corridor. The Buck O'Neil Bridge EA included a public involvement program.

You can download and read the EA in its entirety by clicking on the links below:  

Environmental Assessment Study link

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

In addition, the EA is currently available at the following locations; 

MoDOT Kansas City District Office, 600 NE Colbern Road, Lee's Summit, MO

Kansas City Public Library, 14 West 10th St., Kansas City, MO

Kansas City City Hall, 414 East 12th St., Kansas City, MO

Mid-America Regional Council, 600 Broadway Blvd., Kansas City, MO

Federal Highway Administration - Missouri Division Office, 3220 West Edgewood Dr., Suite H, Jefferson City, MO

As part of this study, we currently have a public comment period, active until March 25. This gives citizens the opportunity to provide comments to the study team through a survey. You can access this survey at

Section 4(f)

Section 4(f) of the U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966 (49 USC 303), hereinafter referred to as "Section 4(f)", protects publicly owned parks, recreation areas, wildlife refuges, waterfowl refuges, and significant historic and archeological resources. The following three resources are protected under Section 4(f).  Although land will be acquired from these properties, the activities, features, and attributes that make these properties eligible for protection under Section 4(f) will not be adversely affected.

The Transcontinental and Western Airlines (T&WA) Building – located within the terminal areas of the Charles B. Wheeler Downtown Airport, the T&WA Building sits immediately adjacent to the north end of the existing Buck O’Neil Bridge. Additional land from the airport adjacent to the building will need to be acquired to accommodate the improved river crossing. Although the new river bridge may be closer to the building, the building will not be affected.

The Municipal Airport Terminal Facility – like the T&WA Building, the Terminal is located on the airport property but away from existing US-169. Land acquired from the airport to accommodate the proposed project would not encroach upon the Terminal Building.

West Terrace Park/Ermine Case Jr. Park – both public parks are perched upon the bluff overlooking the Missouri River and the project area. Additional right-of-way along I-35 at the base of the bluff will be needed to support construction of the proposed project. The open space and recreational facilities within these parks will not be affected by the acquisition of property along the base of the bluff.

In compliance with Section 4(f) and its implementing regulations codified at 23 CFR Part 774, the FHWA in cooperation with MoDOT provides public notice of its proposal to make a Section 4(f) de minimis effect determination for all three resources, and provides the opportunity for public review and comment of this proposed determination.

2/19/2020: Notice of a Public Hearing

  • Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that a public hearing meeting will soon be held to gather public input about the Buck O'Neil Bridge Environmental study, which has just concluded. 

    Citizens will be able to review the Preferred Alternative and ask the study team questions and provide feedback by submitting a comment card in writing.

    Since July of 2018, MoDOT, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have been conducting an EA for an approximately four-mile stretch of US 169 in Clay and Jackson County Missouri, between the intersection of MO 9 and the I-35/12th St. interchange.

    The study’s purpose is to investigate and identify improvements for maintaining the infrastructure in the study corridor, creating a system that serves local and regional traffic and improve safety in the corridor. The Buck O’Neil Bridge EA included a public involvement program.

    Previously, MoDOT held a public meeting in February 2019, with an on-line meeting available to the public in July 2019. Through these meetings MoDOT provided information on the study process and alternatives evaluated. 

    A public meeting date has not been determined yet. 

5/1/2019: Feedback from First Public Meeting

  • MoDOT hosted the first public meeting and online meeting for the environmental study. Thanks to the more than 200 customers who shared comments and responded to the online survey. Click here to see some of the highlights of the survey feedback. 

Project Update: Environmental Study Closed

2/5/19: Online Meeting for Environmental Study

1/29/19: Public Invited to Informational Meeting on Buck O'Neil Environmental Study

  • You are invited to attend a public information meeting on Tuesday Feb. 12, 2019 concerning the current U.S. 169 The Missouri Department of Transportation has rescheduled its public information meeting regarding the Buck O’Neil Bridge Environmental Study. The meeting will take place Tuesday, Feb. 12 from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. at the Mid-America Regional Council offices, located at 600 Broadway Blvd, Suite 200, Kansas City, MO 64105. 

9/25/18: Environmental study begins this month on the Buck O'Neil Bridge

  • A potential new river crossing to replace the John Jordan “Buck” O’Neil Memorial Bridge has entered the next phase. The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and the City of Kansas City, Missouri are working with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to undertake an environmental study, which is required prior to rehabilitating or replacing the existing bridge. The study is being conducted by Burns & McDonnell in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Read more here:

11/18/19: Crews will close large portion of downtown loop for survey work

  • Crews complete survey work in effort to build a new Buck O'Neil Bridge. Closures were in place starting at 12 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 23 until 11:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 24. 


Update: 12/4/2019

  • Crews have performed so far 6 geo-technical borings in the Missouri River. Fifty feet of rock core was obtained below the water surface.  All work is being performed from a barge and is in close coordination with the US Coast Guard, US Army Corps of Engineers and officials with the downtown airport.