Cinder Bed Light

Submitted by: Southeast District 

Innovation Description and Benefit:

This innovation is a light that goes on cinder beds.  These spreader lights originally come on the truck and are mounted underneath the chute on the bed.  The problem with the location is that during the summer months these lights are damaged from pull pavers and chip spreaders.  The lights either get broken or the wires get pulled out almost every year, forcing us to replace the lights when the winter months come around.  What I have done is moved the light to the leg of the cinder bed.  The light is mounted in a position that will illuminate the ground and can be seen in the driver’s mirror.  The wire for the light was ran along with the hydraulic hoses that go to the cinder bed. Next to the hydraulic hook up on the side of the truck is where the trailer plug was mounted.  By having the plug next to the hydraulic hoses, we can ensure that the light is unplugged when the cinder bed is removed from the truck.  The plug also has a cover that protects the connectors when it’s not in use.

For More Information Contact

Southeast District/Maintenance

Craig Schindler at or 573-517-2857.