Contractor Permit Information

MoDOT's Statewide Operating Permit Obligations Affecting Contractors

MoDOT's new permit number is MO-0137910.  It is a stacked permit with MoDOT’s Transportation Separate Storm Sewer System Permit (TS4). Section II of the permit is the Area Wide Land Disturbance Stormwater Permit Conditions.

The largest change to contractors comes with the off-site support activities or activities outside MoDOT's permitted site:

  1. Concrete or asphalt plants, 
  2. Equipment staging yards,
  3. Material storage areas, 
  4. Waste disposal sites,
  5. Borrow areas

These areas will require permitting by the contractor, and will be considered common plans with MoDOT’s permitted site (area within the project limits within MoDOT’s right-of-way and any temporary easements where land disturbance operations are being conducted for consideration of permit obligation).   

The common plan concept will place more projects under permit obligation than ever before.


I podcast AGCMO

Learn about MoDOT's efforts to keep streams and water clean, as well as new challenges of MoDOT's new Land Disturbance Permit from Brian Williams, CPESC, MoDOT's Stormwater Compliance Coordinator

Listen here

Permits will be required for all land disturbance support activity sites off MoDOT right-of-way or outside the permitted site when the sum of all support activity sites and MoDOT’s permitted site equal one acre or greater, unless the support activity located at a commercially available function or the support activity (who has a permit) continues to operate beyond the completion of the project.


  1. MoDOT’s permitted site equals ½ an acre, and all contractor off site support activity sites  equal ½ an acre, then the contractor will be required to obtain an NPDES permit from Missouri Department of Natural Resources   (MDRN) and both entities will be required to be under permit obligation.
  2. MoDOT’s permitted site is three tenths (0.3) of an acre and the contractor’s off site support activities equals one acre, then the contractor will be required to obtain an NPDES permit from MDRN and both entities will be required to be under permit obligation.  (If the situation is in the opposite direction the same outcome is required)
  3.   MoDOT’s permitted site is less than an acre, and all the contractor’s support activities are less than a acre, and summed together all sites are less than a acre, no entity is required to be under permit obligation.

Multiple off site locations may be covered by a single NPDES permit

The permit requires perimeter controls to be installed prior to the start of all phases of land disturbance  at the site. 

The permit outlines stabilization requirement as follows:

  • Grading operations that cease for a period of more than 14 days requires interim stabilization.
  • Steep slopes (3:1 or greater or greater than 3% and 150 in length) require interim stabilization be established within seven days of ceasing operations on that part of the site.
  • All other slopes must initiate interim stabilization within seven days and be completed within 14 days of ceasing operations. 
  • Final stabilization must be initiated as soon as possible but no later than 7 days and completed within 14 days after permanently ceasing soil disturbance operations. 

Structural or maintenance problems are to be noted as deficiencies  in inspection reports and corrected as soon as possible but no more than seven (7) days after the date of the inspection unless delayed by weather.

The 2.5 ml/L settable solids limit for pollution detection has been removed from the permit – Missouri's Water Quality Standard will apply.

An electronic or paper copy of the project specific SWPPP must be accessible to anyone at the site at all times when land disturbance operations are in progress, or other operational activities that may affect the maintenance or integrity of the BMPs.  Individual who must have an up to date copy of the project specific SWPPP when they are on site are:

  • The Permittee
  • Those responsible for installation of BMPs.
  • Those responsible for maintenance of BMPs.

MoDOT Land Disturbance Page located at  is a one stop shop for land disturbance related items: 

  1. Access to the Stormwater Database,
  2. Permit,
  3. Public notification sign,
  4. Link to the EPG 806.8 (SWPPP),
  5. On-line training MODOT U.

Any questions regarding the permit, please email or call (573) 526-4778.