Customer Communication Engagement -2c

Good organizations share information with the people they serve. The best, most-trusted organizations engage customers in conversation. MoDOT interacts with its customers through social media networking websites and applications.

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Write Up:

Social Media

Effective organizations share information with the people they serve and the best, most trusted organizations engage their customers. MoDOT interacts with its customers through social media networking, websites and applications. MoDOT’s social media accounts continue to attract followers. In the third quarter of 2024, MoDOT gained 30,469 new Facebook followers statewide and 18,818 on X, when compared to the third quarter of 2023.

During the third quarter of 2024, the most popular Facebook post was from July of the DMS board message "Camp in the Ozarks, not the left lane" that reached over 1.4 million people with more than 40,000 engagements on Facebook alone.

MoDOT is now measuring customer interactions on these social media sites to better track engagements. Engagements are customer interactions with MoDOT's posted content and include likes, shares, retweets, comments and replies. This quarter, MoDOT's Facebook pages across the state had 188,697 total engagements. Engagement on X pages are not available, as they have been placed behind a paywall. The team continues to work on a solution.

MoDOT websites had 1,320,092 sessions during the third quarter of 2024, which is a decrease of 106,413 sessions compared to the same period last year. This quarter's numbers reflect seasonal trends, which result in lower traffic at this time of the year. The traveler map website sessions increased this quarter by over 360,000 sessions when compared to the same time period last year.

MoDOT videos on YouTube and social media were viewed over 1 million times in the third quarter of 2024. Additional advertisement video placements were viewed over 46 million times this past quarter.


Webpage Views
MoDOT Homepage 136,955
Projects 66,885
Work Zones 37,569
Careers 35,169
Search Results  32,519


YouTube Video Views
MoDOT Summer Safety Series 2023 MoDOT 124,308
MoDOT Speeding 112,228
CMV Motorist :30 OC 73,049
MCRS - BUPD :30  Sounded 68,253
MoDOT CMV Motorist :15 OC 20,138


This measure tracks the number of MoDOT customers accessing the department’s social media and website information.

Measurement and Data Collection:

MoDOT gathers information for this measure from a variety of sources, including Google Analytics. Cumulative totals of website traffic and YouTube views are based on the number of visits. Facebook and Twitter data are based on the number of account followers. The target for this measure is updated quarterly and is established by projecting a 5% improvement over the same quarter in the previous year.

This measure is linked to the Improve Communications strategy included in the Sharpening Our Strategic Vision initiative. To improve performance, MoDOT has identified several strategies, including the Citizen’s Guide to Transportation Funding, the new department website and an enhanced Traveler Information Map.

Results Driver

Contact Photo
Tom Blair, P.E.
Tom Blair, P.E.
St. Louis District Engineer
St. Louis District
Contact Info

Phone: (314) 453-1800


Measurement Driver

Chris Kelly
Communications Manager
Contact Info


Phone: (573) 751-9257