InFlight Newsletter

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January 2025


2022 BIL AIG Funds

BIL AIG 2022 funds will not be extended and will be recovered by the FAA. Please submit the final design cost (if design only) and/or final construction bid cost and/or final construction inspection cost to MoDOT by March 1.  


 Consultants for each airport have received an email on available expiring funds with a meeting invitation included. This meeting will provide an opportunity to present and discuss each airport's plan for their expiring funds. If requesting these funds in federal fiscal year 2025, they will be 95% federal and 5% local match.  


Expiring NPE Funds - Need to be expended by:

·   2019 NPE: July 21 (if there is no plan to spend, please start turnback of funds with your PM).

·   2020 NPE: July 30 (if there is no plan to spend, please start turnback of funds with your PM).

·   2021 NPE: Aug. 1


Expiring COVID funds - Need to be expended by:

·   CRRSA: June 16 (funds will be swept if not expended).

·   ARPA: Aug. 15 (funds will be swept if not expended).

·   Check with your MoDOT Aviation project manager if you have not expended to date.


The MoDOT Aviation Pavement Management 2023-2024 IDEA tool is posted on the MoDOT Aviation Website


Airports and consultants will receive an email from MoDOT regarding what was sent last year for the official High Priority Unfunded Needs (HPUN) list consideration. You will be asked to update this list and reply to MoDOT on or before Feb. 14.  The Aviation 2024 HPUN Request list indicates in the final column whether the project made the official HPUN list. Please also note: There are additional projects that were added to the list at the annual project prioritization meeting between the MoDOT District and the Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs). Each RPC region now has an established Multimodal Transportation Advisory Committee (Multimodal TAC). It’s important for our modal partners to be active in the Multimodal TACs around the state to ensure that your projects make the official HPUN list.

Linked here is the official 2024 High Priority Unfunded Needs list. Also, linked here is the MoDOT Planning Partner map showing the contacts at your local RPCs. Please work with your local RPC to get the information about the Multimodal TAC in your area and become an active member. This will ensure multimodal projects in your area make the HPUN list and ultimately become a funded project.

Visit our Website

For additional questions or concerns:

MoDOT Aviation Section

Changes to contact information can be made by emailing:

Kylee Davis

Missouri Dept. of Transportation | (888) 275-6636

P.O. Box 270 Jefferson City, MO 65102

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