On The Job Training/Contract Compliance

On the Job Training Program

Training and upgrading of minorities and women to journey status is a primary objective of the On The Job training requirement.

The OJT Program is mandated by the United States Department of Transportation. The OJT Program requires MoDOT to set a trainee goal on each Federally Funded Project.

MoDOT assigns training requirements on contracts that are Federally Funded, and that meet the criteria to have a trainee requirement.

Training requirements are assigned in slots, consisting of 1000 trainee hours per slot. The contractor is contractually required to meet the training requirement or show that they made a good faith effort to do so.

Trainee Notification (OJT-1)

Contractor Monthly Trainee Report (OJT-2)

Trainee Completion Report (OJT-3)

Trainee Contact (OJT-4) 

Trainee Discrimination Complaint (OJT-5)

Training Summary (OJT-6)

OJT Training Special Provision (effective 04-15-2022)

OJT Training Special Provision LPA Contract Version (effective 11-22-2021)

Contract Compliance Program

FHWA requires that all federal aid highway construction contracts include specific EEO requirements. In addition, all subcontracts and purchase orders exceeding $10,000, not including contracts for supplying materials, must include the same requirements. This is accomplished by the inclusion or attachment of the federal aid special provisions. 

Form FHWA 1273 (Required Contract Provisions Federal-Aid Construction Contracts). 1273

Employment Data Reports

FHWA 1391 Reporting Instructions (2024)

FHWA 1391 Project Specific form/reports due by close of business on August 21st or the next business day if August 21st is a Saturday or Sunday; reports employment data for each individual MoDOT federal-aid worked on the last full week of July.  Contractor may be required to complete more than one report depending on the number of jobs they worked on during the reporting period.

Specific Eligibility Requirements for 49 CFR Part 26

Recruitment Source Listing

Required Bulletin Board Postings (Federal-Aid Projects)

Contractor Forms

Bulletin Board Checklist