Local Program Funds Committed to Projects -6g

Just as MoDOT receives federal funds for state projects, MoDOT is also required to pass federal funds to local agencies, such as cities and counties, for local agency projects.

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Write Up:

Local agencies receive federal funds to invest in projects that improve local infrastructure. They share the cost of those projects by providing a 20% local match for most programs. To continue receiving federal funds, all received funds each year must be committed to projects by the end of the federal fiscal year. Failure to fully commit the available funds puts them at risk of being rescinded, which jeopardizes the ability to receive additional federal funds for future projects.

For FFY 2025, local agencies have an annual allocation of $214 million to invest in local transportation projects. For FFY 2025, 10% ($22 million) of annual allocation funds have been committed to local projects, compared to 7% ($13 million of $197 million available) in FFY 2024. While this measure compares committed funds to annual allocation, the total available funds for local agencies to commit to projects includes both the annual allocation ($214 million) and the carryover balance ($141 million), for a total of $355 million in FFY 2025. Committed funds can include balances left from previous years.

Purpose of the Measure:

MoDOT is required to share federal funds with local agencies for transportation projects. This measure tracks the percent of available local program funds committed to projects.  

Measurement and Data Collection:

The data is obtained from the Fiscal Management Information System of the Federal Highway Administration. It covers the period from October 1 through September 30 of each Federal Fiscal Year. The committed amounts represent federal funds obligated for projects. The available amounts represent the federal program funds distributed to local sponsors plus any previous year's balance. The goal is to invest all federal funds available to local public projects each year.

The target for this measure is set by internal policy and will remain unchanged unless policy changes, regardless of performance.

Result Driver

Contact Photo
Todd Grosvenor
Todd Grosvenor
Financial Services Director
Financial Services
Contact Info

Email: Todd.Grosvenor@modot.mo.gov

Phone: (573) 751-4626

Measurement Driver

Contact Photo
Picture of Ashley Buechter
Ashley Buechter, P.E.
Assistant State Design Engineer – Local Programs Administrator
Contact Info


Office: 573-526-6997