How Do I Obtain A Permit
Permit Application
As a part of our commitment to provide a personal, fast, courteous, and understandable response to our customers there are three ways to submit a permit application for processing.
1. Apply online by providing our staff with required information. Upon receipt of your request, an application will be prepared and e-mailed to you in a pdf file. You can then provide the necessary signatures and mail the application back to us for issuance.
2. Contact a Traffic Specialist who covers the area in which you are seeking a permit.
3. Print and complete an hard copy of the application and mail associated documents to our office for issuance.
Depending upon the nature of the work, other documentation may be required before your permit can be processed. (e.g. site plans, performance bond, certificate of liability, traffic studies, meeting with our personnel, etc…)
Issued Permit
Once you receive an issued permit for work to be performed on the right of way there are several steps that must be accomplished before you begin work.
1. Request a Missouri One Call locate for existing utilities.
2. Complete the online “Notice of Intent” form to work on the right of way.
3. If your work requires a “Lane Closure” you must submit a request a minimum of 2 working days in advance and receive authorization from our staff before closing any lanes of traffic.
4. You must keep a copy of the permit and approved plans on the job site at all times.
5. Contact the Traffic Specialist a minimum of 48 hours prior to beginning work and for all necessary inspections.