Counties Impacted
Route Impacted
Work Type
Pavement Resurfacing
In Progress

Resurfacing Route D in Camden and Laclede counties will include improvements to the portion of the highway that goes through Ha Ha Tonka State Park. The first 4.75 miles of Route D will include new shoulders and centerline rumble stripes. Additionally, the road will be shifted away from the historic post office. At this time, the traffic control plans do not include closing the road. Instead, the plans include a lane closure with flaggers directing motorists through the work zone.

This project also includes resurfacing Route E in Laclede and Dallas counties from Missouri Route 5 to the end of state maintenance. This work will be done with single lane closures. 


Planning and Design Phase

The Missouri Department of Transportation is in the process of designing pavement improvements to Route D in Camden and Laclede counties, including the portion through Ha Ha Tonka State Park and to Route E in Laclede and Dallas counties. Shifting Route D will require a temporary easement.

Public Input
Comment period: April 22 – May 6, 2024.

An online public meeting was held April 22 – May 6, 2024. The community and interested parties had multiple avenues to explore the proposed improvements and then submit input and ask questions:

  1. Online. All meeting exhibits are available on this website and feedback could be submitted using an online form. 
  2. By email – Send your comments to with the subject line: Camden County Route D Pavement Improvement Project.
  3. By traditional mail – Comments may be mailed to Missouri Department of Transportation, 1511 Missouri Boulevard, Jefferson City, MO 65109. Please reference: Camden County Route D Pavement Improvement Project.
Project Letting, Award, and Notice to Proceed

As part of their October 2024 meeting, the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded a $5,318,521.95 contract to Capital Paving & Construction, LLC. The total contract award cost includes resurfacing and widening Camden County Route D, resurfacing Route E in Laclede and Dallas counties,  and resurfacing, guardrail, and bridge work on Camden County Routes N and W. 

At the time of the award, the contractor was given a Nov. 4, 2024, notice to proceed date - the earliest date they could begin work - and a Nov. 1, 2025, completion date. 

In Progress
Project Construction and Traffic Impacts
Construction anticipated to begin March 3, 2025

The road will remain open throughout construction; however, Route D will be narrowed to one lane in short segments with a flagger and pilot car directing motorists through the work zone.

On March 3, construction crews plan to begin adding shoulders to the first 4.75 miles of Route D and shifting the road away from the historic post office. After the shoulders are constructed, the entire length of Route D from U.S. Route 54 to Laclede County Route E will be resurfaced, with all work expected to wrap up in early June.

Route E will be resurfaced later in the summer.  

Not Started
Project Completion

These improvements are expected to be completed by the end of 2025.




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