Railroad Crossing Safety

Safety Champion

Contact Photo
chief safety and operations officer becky allmeroth
Becky Allmeroth
Chief Safety and Operations Officer
Contact Info

Missouri Department of Transportation
105 W. Capitol Ave.
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: (573)-751-2803
Email  |  Bio

Project Manager

Contact Photo
Jerica Holtsclaw portrait
Jerica Holtsclaw
Multimodal Operations
Contact Info

(573) 751-2467
Email: Jerica.Holtsclaw@modot.mo.gov

Purpose of the Project:

In 2022, MoDOT completed its first State Action Plan for Highway/Railroad Crossings which identified strategies for improving safety at the railroad crossings. One of the strategies identified was to seek additional funding for crossing improvements.  MoDOT’s fiscal year 2024 budget request included $50 million to improve safety at Missouri’s public railroad crossings. In June 2023, Gov. Mike Parson signed House Bill 4, providing MoDOT the $50 million dollars.

One of the first priorities of this funding is to improve safety at the 47 passive public railroad crossings on Missouri’s passenger rail lines: Southwest Chief, Missouri River Runner and Texas Eagle. MoDOT has hired consulting firms to take an independent look at the crossings along these corridors and make recommendations on potential improvements. The next step for these corridors is to take the consultant’s recommendations and work with the local communities to develop the crossing improvement projects.

Passenger Rail Line Public Reports:

Public At-Grade Tier 1 Improvements are improvements to be completed in the first year 2024.  Tier 1 improvements are expected to cost $18.5M.

Combined recommendations for Tier 1:

  • 17 Closures
  • 2 Security Gate Systems
  • 27 Upgrades (Lights and Gates)
  • 3 Status Changes (Public to Private)
  • 3 Passive Enhancements

Future Improvements and Projects

  • 4 Freight Rail Corridor Studies – $1.4M​
  • Railroad Crossing Signing Program – $3M​
  • Federal Grant Applications – $5-10M​
  • Corridor/Bundled Projects - $15-25M​