Project Locations

In the St. Louis are, there were 5, 321 crashes where at least one person was killed or seriously injured between 2016 and 2020. MoDOT's goal, in partnership with St. Louis County, is to reduce those fatal and serious injury crashes in St. Louis. 

This project spans across the City of St. Louis, St. Louis County, and Jefferson County.

Our project is estimated to reduce over 170 fatal and serious crashes over a 10-year period. 

The Safety Improvements Project will benefit pedestrians and other roadway users at more than 230 locations. Each location may have one or more (up to five) safety improvements. The following locations have been highlighted as locations with significantly visual safety improvements: 

Southwest St. Louis County

Clarkson Road (MO 340):

Raised Median Islands

Curved Warning Signs

Retro reflective signal backplates

Improved right turn angles

Leading pedestrian interval

High-visibility crosswalks 

Curb Bump Outs (Traffic Calming Islands)

More about Traffic Calming Islands: Speeding drivers are more likely to cause a crash, and those crashes are more likely to be severe. Studies show that drivers will drive more slowly on narrower roads. Encouraging slower driving (called “traffic calming”) reduces the frequency and severity of crashes. 

Long Road (Route CC)

Install raised median island

Improved right turn angle

Retro reflective signal backplates



SL Safety Improvements Project: Clarkson Road Corridor

SL Safety Improvements Project: Clarkson Road Corridor
Is Responsive
Embed Code

North St. Louis County

New Halls Ferry (Route AC)

Raised median island

Chevrons signs on curve

Leading Pedestrian Intervals

High-visibility cross walks

Retroflective signal backplates 

ADA curb ramps

Offset left turn lanes

Improved right turn angle

Hardened centerline

LED stop sign (on Mehl Road)