Governor's Rural Routes Program

Of the more than 10,400 miles of low-volume roads throughout Missouri, 5,200 were deemed ineligible for federal funds to make improvements. In 2022, Governor Parson recommended and the General Assembly approved $100 million in General Revenue for MoDOT to invest in the state’s low-volume rural roads. 

With Governor Parson’s signing of the Fiscal Year 2023 budget, the Missouri Department of Transportation identified approximately 1,700 lane miles of low volume roads in poor condition. The 113 locations received treatments to improve the road conditions. The locations were bundled into 14 projects across the state to provide good contracts for contractor competition. The projects were awarded at $115 million, with $100 million coming from General Revenue and $15 million from the State Road Fund. The $115 million was fully expended in fiscal year 2023.

In 2023, the Governor also signed the Fiscal Year 2024 budget to include an additional $100 million in General Revenue for Missouri’s low volume rural roads. Again, using data driven analysis, the Missouri Department of Transportation identified more than 1,800 lane miles of low volume roads in poor condition. The 147 locations were contracted to receive treatments to improve the road conditions. The locations were bundled into 40 projects across the state. Some projects have been awarded and some have yet to award. The completion date is November 2024.

In 2024, the Governor signed the Fiscal year 2025 budget including an additional $100 million to continue the low-volume road improvements. This funding will be used to improve conditions on 1,985 lane miles of rural roads at 149 locations. The work will be bundled into 19 projects across the state and scheduled for completion by November 2025.