Submitted by: St. Louis District
Innovation Description and Benefit:
Typically, during the design-build procurement process, MoDOT and the proposing design-build teams have weekly or biweekly meetings to discuss the progression of designs, proposals, and language within contract. In addition to this, MoDOT doesn’t usually allow the teams to meet with or contact other companies to discuss potential issues or concepts without involving MoDOT. Aiming to improve this process, the I-270 North Design-Build team implemented a partnering week for the proposing design-build teams in pursuit of the contract to meet with various utility companies to evaluate and mitigate potential high risk issues that could pose challenges for the completion of the proposals and the project in the end. This was the first time implementing this within Design-Build, but given the magnitude of the project, the I-270 North team determined the need to have strong partnerships with as many companies as possible was necessary to minimize utility risks.
For More Information Contact
St. Louis District
Sheron Thomas at or 314-624-8621.