What is the I-44 P&N Study?
The Missouri Department of Transportation has initiated the I-44 Purpose and Need Study as one of the first steps to gather detailed information on I-44. The area being examined is the stretch of I-44 from the Oklahoma state line on the western end to Route 100 on the eastern end.
The goal of the study is to conduct a thorough analysis of the I-44 corridor in the following areas:
- Crashes
- Environmental characteristics and demographic history
- Detailed analysis of the traffic flow (both on the main line and through interchanges)
- Full accounting of all bridges and their conditions
- Pavement conditions and history
- Roadway characteristics, including interchanges, compared to current design standards.
- Prepare for subsequent National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements.
This study will not propose solutions rather, at the conclusion of the study, an analysis will be performed on the information gathered to create a Purpose and Need Statement. The Purpose and Need Statement will be written to summarize the findings and identify deficiencies in transportation, commerce, recreational access, tourism, agriculture and similar uses associated with the I-44 corridor.
The study will also prioritize areas into short-term and long-term needs for future potential improvements, but will not make recommendations on what those future improvements will be.
Crash Data by County
Environmental Data
- Crawford County Environmental Data
- Franklin County Environmental Data
- Greene County Environmental Data
- Jasper County Environmental Data
- Laclede County Environmental Data
- Lawrence County Environmental Data
- Newton County Environmental Data
- Phelps County Environmental Data
- Pulaski County Environmental Data
- Webster County Environmental Data
Traffic Data by County
Other I-44 Studies
- I-44 Flood Study at Little Piney Creek - Benefit-Cost Analysis
- I-44 Flood Study at Little Piney Creek - Conceptual Study Report
- I-44 Flood Study at Little Piney Creek - Signature Page
- I-44 Flood Study at Little Piney Creek - Appendix
- I-44 Flood Study at Little Piney Creek - Appendix - Hydraulic Report
- I-44 Overtopping Study - Gasconade River near Hazelgreen
District Contact
MoDOT St. Louis
District Office
St. Louis District
Contact Info
1590 Woodlake Drive
Chesterfield, MO 63017-5712
573-526-0089 (fax)
1590 Woodlake Drive
Chesterfield, MO 63017-5712
573-526-0089 (fax)
District Contact
MoDOT Central
District Office
Central District
Contact Info
1511 Missouri Boulevard
P.O. Box 718
Jefferson City, MO 65102
573-526-0050 (fax)
573-522-6438 (fax)
1511 Missouri Boulevard
P.O. Box 718
Jefferson City, MO 65102
573-526-0050 (fax)
573-522-6438 (fax)
District Contact
MoDOT Southwest
District Office
Southwest District
Contact Info
3025 East Kearney
M.P.O. Box 868
Springfield, MO 65801
417-895-7652 (fax)
3025 East Kearney
M.P.O. Box 868
Springfield, MO 65801
417-895-7652 (fax)