Part 667 Application

Submitted by: Central Office 

Innovation Description and Benefit:

23 CFR Part 667 requires the periodic evaluation of facilities repeatedly requiring repair and reconstruction due to emergency events.  This rule states that any highway or bridge which required repair or reconstruction on two or more occasions be analyzed to determine if there are reasonable alternatives which could be undertaken to minimize or eliminate future occurrences of similar emergency events.  Beginning November 2020, the DOT must provide the evaluation for any project located on an applicable highway or bridge prior to programming work for that segment. With all this in mind, Planning staff worked to create a TMS application, which houses the location of all federally funded repair for emergency events occurring on the MODOT system.  This information can be used to identify all applicable locations for the 4-year periodic evaluation cycle, to ensure district staff are aware of and complete the necessary evaluations.  Additionally, the application works with SIMS so that SIMS notifies the district planning staff when project is landed on an applicable segment of highway or bridge.  This combination of features helps to ensure continued compliance with federal provision while also ensuring that potential facility improvements are considered when projects are developed in the area.       

For More Information Contact

Central Office – Transportation Planning   

Llans Taylor at or 573-508-2230.