Submitted by: Kansas City District
Innovation Description and Benefit:
Often on construction project sites or when leaving the Project Office garage, a driver is alone while operating a vehicle. If backing is required, and no spotter is available, there is risk to others in the vicinity. On a busy project site or at the Project Office, increasing awareness of a backing vehicle is a simple step to increase safety. This back up alarm utilizes a vehicles trailer wiring harness, so anytime the vehicle is shifted into reverse the backup alarm sounds. The backup alarm alerts passersby about the vehicles intent to move when the driver may have limited vision. The attention-grabbing sound of the alarm helps to ensure the awareness of anyone in the surrounding space. The goal is simple: prevent accidents by informing pedestrians and drivers that the vehicle is reversing.
For More Information Contact
Kansas City District - Construction and Materials
Chris Karlin at or 816-728-0370.