Submitted by: Kansas City District
Innovation Description and Benefit:
To tackle the litter issues in Kansas City, the district implemented a contract to pick up 78 miles of interstate every two weeks. The bigger question became – where does all the litter come from? After more research and observations, we determined local trash haulers were the bulk of the problem with improperly tarped loads. The district decided to take a 3-pronged approach with education, enforcement and one-on-one contacts to address this. With education, letters were sent to all the trash haulers in the area explaining how much MoDOT spends to pick up litter, the haulers’ legal obligations to tarp their loads and notice of upcoming enforcement. District communications staff worked with local media to educate them on how litter is getting on roadsides and the trash haulers role in the situation. The district then worked with local law enforcement to perform five operations focusing on landfills and transfer stations that resulted in 147 inspections, and 222 violations (41 related to load securement.) Finally, employees are encouraged to be on the lookout for faulty tarping with haulers and to let the DE know so the company can be notified. There have been many emails and additional letters following up on these specific notices, with copies sent to MSHP. Since we began contacting the trash haulers and working with enforcement – we are seeing better tarped trucks. There is still work to do, but this effort is making a positive difference in our community.
For More Information Contact
Kansas City District - Communications
Brooke Rohlfing at or 816-803-4204.