Courtside Connections

Submitted by: Northeast District 

Innovation Description and Benefit:

The Northeast Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety representatives join forces with local law enforcement to make a connection with fans and players during middle and high school athletic events. This opportunity is designed to provide community outreach and education to all ages while raising awareness about impaired/distracted driving and the importance of buckling up, putting the phone down, slowing down, and driving sober every time they get behind the wheel to drive. During the basketball games, Coalition members set up a table with highway safety materials with efforts being assisted by cheerleaders, mascots, TRACTION Team members, and students by displaying the BUPD message on the court while rallying for attendees to take the BUPD Pledge. Throughout the games, guests obtain education and can experience simulated impaired vision, coordination, and judgement by engaging in interactive challenges offered in a safe setting using various Fatal Vision goggles (alcohol, THC, Drowsy/Distracted Driving, Polydrug). These BUPD tables are well-received by many visitors who appreciate the positive and informative message. They express enthusiasm for more events like this to be organized to share the BUPD message and educate all on BUPD and the dangers of impaired/distracted driving in this capacity. 

For More Information Contact

Northeast District - Communications

Tina Lee at or 573-248-2517.