Shouldering Corner Box

Submitted by: Northwest District 

Innovation Description and Benefit:

This corner box sets in the left rear corner of the bed on a twin-screw dump truck. It is designed to filter road rock to the right side of the bed when unloading. We designed this corner box to place rock on the shoulder only and not on the pavement. The corner box can be used to filter rock on to the shoulder where the shoulder is lower than the pavement or where there are edge ruts that you are trying to fill. By using this corner box to place rock on shoulders, it simplifies the procedure by not having to use a motor grader to scrape the rock off the pavement or using a shouldering box on a dump truck. It also can eliminate the need for a power broom to clean up the pavement and can also eliminate the possibility of the motor grader scraping the top seal off the pavement. 

For More Information Contact

Northwest District - Maintenance 

Chase Wimer at or 816-284-1882.