Did You Know... That's TSMO?

Submitted by: Central Office

Innovation Description and Benefit:

The video series, Did You Know...That’s TSMO?, was started in January 2024 as a way to educate both the traveling public and MoDOT employees on the concept of Transportation Systems Management and Operations, commonly referred to as TSMO, why it‘s important and why it should be considered in projects and operations. Each video in the series focuses on a success story and consists of at least one MoDOT employee explaining a tool or concept that furthers traffic system operations, making traveling safer, smoother and more efficient for Missouri drivers. Each video also features the District Engineer in the region, who touches on how the tool or concept benefits travelers in the area and how it fits into an overall TSMO strategy. Success story videos thus far have included innovations in areas such as traffic management, smart work zones, unique construction projects, and providing real-time traffic information to travelers. Each video ends by providing viewers with an external web address, www.modot.org/tsmo, where they can get more information about MoDOT’s TMSO efforts and view past videos. This site resides on MoDOT’s public website so it can serve as a resource for the traveling public, contractors and planning partners. The site also serves as an archive for the videos as they are produced and rolled out. 

For More Information Contact

Central Office – Highway Safety and Traffic

Ploisongsaeng Intaratip at Ploisongsaeng.Intaratip@modot.mo.gov  or 314-315-7481.