Systemic Pedestrian Safety

Submitted by: St. Louis District 

Innovation Description and Benefit:

Pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries are a problem in St. Louis District due to the more urbanized characteristics of the district. Pedestrian crashes are also far more random than purely vehicular crashes, as such it is difficult to implement reactive solutions unless the locations in question is an outlier. As such, the Safety Improvements Design-Build project innovated and utilized a systemic approach to safety analysis and solutions to effectively improve roadway safety for pedestrians and other vulnerable road users in the project area. Roadways with similar characteristics to where pedestrian crash occur were identified and selected as locations for systemic safety improvements. Proposers for the design-build project were then able to innovate and provide quality solutions to the roadways in St. Louis that are most likely to have future pedestrian crashes. This framework spreads resources over a wider area for a more effective network effect rather than overconcentrating improvements where prior pedestrian crashes occurred.

For More Information Contact

Central Office - Improve I-70 Team

Daniel Steinmeyer at or 314-886-3094.