Roundabout Video

Submitted by: Southwest District 

Innovation Description and Benefit:

The Southwest Roundabout Video showcases various types of vehicles navigating different roundabouts. Originally created to address frequent questions about whether semi-trucks, school buses and other large vehicles can successfully navigate roundabouts, the video was shown featuring those types of vehicles successfully driving through multiple roundabouts. Since then, the video has evolved, adding more locations and different types of vehicles, such as farm equipment, boats, RV campers and Amish buggies, in response to projects where these types of vehicles would utilize a roundabout. The video not only informs the pubic that large vehicles can navigate roundabouts, but also demonstrates different types of traffic moving through them. This helps familiarize those new to the circular traffic pattern, preparing them to drive through roundabouts. This roundabout video is unique because, as stated above, it features Amish buggies navigating a "peanut" roundabout in the City of Rogersville. Despite searching for similar videos, none could be found. When approached to help create the video, Amish elders agreed to participate to promote road safety for Amish drivers. The two Amish participants, who had never driven a roundabout before filming, shared afterward how safe they felt traveling alongside various vehicles in the roundabout. This video, including the Amish buggy footage, was used at a public meeting in the City of Seymour, a town with a large Amish community who will be receiving a “peanut” roundabout in the near future.

For More Information Contact

Southwest District - Communications

Regan Mitchell at or 417-766-3261.