Improved DB-901 Budget Spreadsheet

Submitted by: St. Louis District 

Innovation Description and Benefit:

Design-Build projects at MoDOT typically pay Contractors via a percent complete lump-sum procedure. The work packages from the work breakdown structure are entered into an excel spreadsheet, named the DB-901, with the type of work and additional information denoted. A new DB-901 spreadsheet was created with the additional ability to tie funding sources to WBS items, automatically check for mathematical/formatting errors, and keep a layout similar to the traditional layout with the addition of a summary tab to aid in review/compliance checking. This new spreadsheet utilized Microsoft Excel’s Power Query functions to automatically perform the calculations and was vetted and approved for the Contractors to utilize during the procurement process. MoDOT and Contractor personnel have found reduced risk from budgetary errors, decreases the review time and number of compliance checks to ensure compliance with the contract requirements, and provides additional utility in displaying budgetary information as compared to the previous DB-901 spreadsheet. 

For More Information Contact

Central Office - Improve I-70 Team

Daniel Steinmeyer at or 314-886-3094.