PM (Project Management) Dashboard

Submitted by: Central Office

Innovation Description and Benefit:

The PM dashboard was created to manage many entities such as consultants, MoDOT and FHWA corresponding information on a large project.  There were nine firms, plus various MoDOT personnel and divisions, across the I-70 project and data was needed to be shared by all.  Old data was able to be uploaded and as new data came online, it was added.  There is a schedule tool to get a “one glance” at progress as well as a GIS tool to view the corridor and resources along the corridor.  There is a depository for documents, meeting minutes and notes.  The repository allows everyone to “live” comment/edit on documents rather than sharing back and forth different versions. The dashboard combines Smartsheets, ArcGIS online and a TEAMs channel to put everything together. We have implemented this on I-70 corridor and now on the I-44 corridor, adding elements to the later such as a “fee” progress portal for tracking costs spent.

For More Information Contact

Central Office – Design 

Melissa Scheperle at or 573-526-6684.