Section 7 includes the far eastern end of the I-70 corridor. Its 36 miles stretch from approximately Route 19 at Montgomery City to the beginning of the St. Louis Freeway System at Lake St. Louis.
Unlike most of the primarily rural corridor, Section 7 is home to three more densely populated and fast-growing cities: Warrenton, Wright City, and Wentzville. Many factors will come into play as I-70 widening options are explored, including environmental research, technical evaluation, and community input.
Begin: West of Route 19, Exit 175
End: Lake St. Louis, Exit 214
Length: 39 miles
Study: Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Section 7 team members will be working closely with the affected cities to ensure that improvement decisions work with their future plans, while also meeting the needs of I-70 travelers.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Cover, Table of Contents, Executive Summary (935k)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Purpose and Need (200k)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Project Alternatives (1.2MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Affected Environment (3.2MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Environmental Consequences (16.2MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Comments and Coordination (204k)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Distribution List (78k)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 List of Preparers and Reviewers (111k)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 References and Glossary (147k)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Appendix A - First Tier Summary (1.4MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Appendix B - Alternatives (120k)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 1 (2.2MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 2a-2c (7.7MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 3a-3b (2.7MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 4 (1.5MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 5a-5b (4.2MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 6 (4.0MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 7a-7b (6.0MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 8a-8d (9.2MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 9a-9b (3.1MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 10a-10c (6.6MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 11a-11b (5.5MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 12 (2.4MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 13a-13b (4.4MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 14 (3.5MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 15 (4.7MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 16a-16b (3.5MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Alternative 17 (1.7MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Appendix C - Interchange Construction Phasing (25.4MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Appendix D, E and F (1.9MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Appendix G, H and I (3.9MB)
- Improve I-70 Section 7 Appendix J - Interim Interchange Alternatives (10.0MB
Final Environmental Impact Statement